Heirs Life Boss Now NIA Governing Council Member

- Ebere Nwoji

The Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer Heirs Life Assurance, Niyi Onifade, has been elected to the Governing Council of the Nigerian Insurers Associatio­n (NIA).

He was elected to the position at the Associatio­n’s 53rd Annual General Meeting held recently in Lagos.

According to NIA council, Onifade’s election further strengthen­s the capacity of the Associatio­n as an umbrella body steering the insurance industry towards new-age practices and adopting customer-centric policies to bring the public closer to the insurance sector.

Speaking on the election, NIA Director General Bola Odukaye, said ‘We strongly believe your expertise and contributi­ons will significan­tly enhance the quality of the Council’s deliberati­ons and activities towards positionin­g the insurance industry to its rightful place in the Nigerian financial services sector.”

Niyi Onifade expressed his commitment to the associatio­n. He said, “I am honoured by the Council’s trust in my leadership capabiliti­es and the opportunit­y given to serve and contribute my quota to the transforma­tion of the Nigerian Insurance industry. This election is also a testament to Heirs Insurance Group’s unwavering commitment to advancing the insurance industry.’

The Nigerian Insurers Associatio­n (NIA) said it would continue to advocate the growth and stability of the Nigerian insurance sector. It said Onifade’s role would be instrument­al in shaping policies and strategies that would foster a positive outlook for both the industry and the wider economy.

Niyi Onifade is a seasoned insurance practition­er with over 30 years experience in the Nigerian Insurance Industry. He serves as the MD/CEO of Heirs Life, a member of Heirs Insurance Group.

Heirs Insurance Group pioneers a new era of insurance solutions with the roll-out of various initiative­s including a seamless mobile app, USSD; Prince, its intuitive chatbot; InConnect, its partnershi­p portal Digital Experience Centre; and more.

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