Envoy: Nigeria, China Must Oppose Unilateral­ism, Protection­ism to Safeguard Global Economic Order

- Oluchi Chibuzor The story continues online on www.thisdayliv­

The Consul General of the People’s Republic of China in Lagos, Yan Yuqing, yesterday, said that Nigeria and China must oppose unilateral­ism and protection­ism, in order to safeguard the global economic order, as well as the security and stability of the industrial chain and the supply chain.

She stated this at a media forum organised by the Chinese Consulate in Lagos, to intimate the Journalist­s on the recent communique of the third plenary session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.

She said at present, amid accelerati­ng global changes of a like not seen in a century, the world’s external uncertaint­ies are increasing, adding that this would not affect China’s firm determinat­ion and confidence to continue to deepen reform and widen opening up.

She highlighte­d the plenary’s important plans to promote a high standard opening up to the world and expand the use of foreign investment, many of whose policies will benefit the Nigerian people.

According to her, “What I want to emphasize is that, at present, economic globalizat­ion is facing great challenges, and it is the common responsibi­lity of government­s and enterprise­s of all countries, including China and Nigeria, to oppose unilateral­ism and protection­ism, and to safeguard the global economic order, as well as the security and stability of the industrial chain and the supply chain.

“China remains a favorable investment destinatio­n for all countries. We will continue to improve the business-friendly environmen­t, and share with the foreign-funded enterprise­s the huge opportunit­ies arising from China’s developmen­t of new quality productive forces and the promotion of Chinese modernizat­ion.”

She however, noted that facing a world fraught with changes and turbulence, China and Nigeria needs to strengthen solidarity and cooperatio­n more than ever.

She said, “This year is an important year for China-Africa as well as China-Nigeria cooperatio­n, and the new summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperatio­n (FOCAC) will be held in Beijing in early September, which will hopefully elevate China-Africa relations to a whole new level, and China- Nigeria bilateral relations are expected to be further improved in quality and elevated in level.”

On the relationsh­ip with Nigeria and how Chinese firms are contributi­ng to the nation’s economy, Yuqing, said every year China organises large-scale internatio­nal exhibition­s.

She noted that Chinese enterprise­s and compatriot­s in Nigeria are also trying their best to contribute to the society through their own ways.

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