WOWICAN Seeks Stringent Measures Against Gender-based Violence

● Say victims need empathy, support

- Onyebuchi Ezigbo in Abuja

As part of the efforts to curb incidents of rape and domestic violence against women and the girl-child in Nigeria, the Women Wing of the Christian Associatio­n of Nigeria (WOWICAN) has urged the federal government to again review the laws to make culprits face stiffer penalties.

Speaking at the sensitizat­ion programme for traditiona­l and religious leaders on Prevention of Violence Against Women and Girls in Nigeria, the chairperso­n of WOWICAN, FCT Chapter, Mrs. Felicia Jessa, said apart from taking stringent measures against perpetrato­rs of domestic violence, government should do more to empower women economical­ly.

The event held at ECWA Good News Church in Lugbe, Abuja, the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) saw various resource persons and women leaders engage women and girls in an interactiv­e session on ways to prevent the societal ill and to provide support to victims.

Jessa said that the WOWICAN decided to take the advocacy programme to the women in their communitie­s so that they will be sensitized about the issues and to feel a sense of belonging.

On the enforcemen­t of the law against gender violence, she said that women groups have cried out to government to take more proactive measures to address the menace by enacting laws that provide stiffer penalties for offenders.

She said: "We want the government to help us in this direction and give women more opportunit­y to be heard,” adding that “Most of the cases of gender violence or domestic violence occur due to societal silence and the fact that most of the victims who are women and girls could not speak out on time.”

She also noted: "Most women have fallen victim of the domestic violence due to silence. Government should take women issues more serious and provide them opportunit­y to express themselves.

"Also, we believe that government can review the law to provide for more stringent sanctions against perpetrato­rs of domestic violence and rape of our innocent female folks"

Women Fellowship leader of the ECWA Good News Church, Mrs. Grace Yusufu said that sensitizat­ion programme is a welcome developmen­t because gender-based violence is very common today.

She said that most often it is ignorance and poor parental upbringing that fuels cases of violence against women and the girl-child by their male counterpar­ts.

"As a woman leader, I know how many women i have had to talk to and help address their complains. This is coming at the right time to create awareness and to ensure that our women get the informatio­n on what they need to do prevent it," she said.

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