
Obi is my friend and brother. He gave me support for ‘Zik’ so I will be mild with him. Obi is the Director General of the National Council for Arts and Culture and the only significan­t thing he has done since emerging is to name my other brother Farooq Oreagba Honorary Ambassador for the parastatal.Now the man has worn green agbada, carried a tattoo and smoked a cigar for picture on top horse, he has qualified to be Ambassador. I just tire in this our country. Like I said, I write with restraint but then again, the more I think of this move, the more I see its hypocritic­al value. There is nothing here but a vain attempt to climb on the temporary fame that that picture has put on Mr. Oreagba to ride it. Now the question some have asked is who truly deserves all of this acclaim? Is it Oreagba or the photograph­er who took the magical shot? Now before they start saying it is bad bele that is doing me, let me leave the man on the horseback out of this and ask our dear Director General of what essence will this appointmen­t contribute to his task? How will it allow him to achieve his goals on the saddle and how will he push this appointmen­t to any significan­t relevance? One thing I have come to realise especially in this administra­tion’s rash appointmen­ts, is the fact that people lobby to get appointmen­ts just for the ego trip and balancing and when they get the appointmen­t, they just go blank and this is very simple, because they really do not have any vision, plans or even the energies to pursue anything hence this kind of policy wonk that throws up nothing but an embarrassi­ng hollow in leadership of the agency. Obi is my friend so I have tried to be very mild with him on this matter. If he was not my friend I would have reacted very differentl­y, I swear. Please, where can I rent a horse and agbada o so that NNPCL can name me Ambassador o? I just tire.

 ?? ?? Asika

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