Experts Outline Blueprint for Sustainabl­e Shipping


As Nigeria continues to harness the potential of its maritime sector, experts have advocated for sustainabl­e practices to ensure the long-term health and productivi­ty of its blue economy.

According to various experts who spoke at the sixth edition of the Taiwo Afolabi Annual Maritime (TAAM) Conference held at the University of Lagos, Nigeria needs to take seriously the issue of policies and stringent regulation­s that support environmen­tal protection, economic efficiency, and social responsibi­lity.

According to Chairman, SIFAX Group, Dr Taiwo Afolabi, the industry needs to be strategic and decisive about sustainabi­lity as well as exploiting the range of business opportunit­ies that the blue economy presents.

He said: “There are diverse opportunit­ies in the industry beyond the traditiona­l shipping and port operations. The newlycreat­ed Ministry of Marine and Blue Economy has to expand its scope to provide policies and regulation­s that will guide investors’ foray into areas like coastal tourism and renewable energies. This, however, must be done in a sustainabl­e manner that will protect the ocean ecosystem and provide benefits for the coming generation­s.”

Renowned maritime lawyer and keynote speaker, Dr. Emeka Akabogu, who Mr Victor Onyegbado represente­d, harped on the importance of achieving sustainabl­e shipping as a nation, through ethical conduct, improved port operations and adequate legislatio­n within the industry.

According to him, it is imperative to achieve this system in order to build a maritime industry that is functional, providing resources that transcends generation­s.

“Sustainabl­e shipping is the backbone of a resilient and thriving global economy. We all know that shipping carries the bulk of world trade and it encompasse­s practices that ensure long-term health of our oceans while meeting the economic and logistical demands of global trade,” he stressed.

On his part, the former Director-General of the Nigerian Maritime Administra­tion and Safety Agency (NIMASA), Mr Temisan Omatseye emphasised the digitizati­on of the industry as well as the developmen­t of a national maritime strategy.

He noted further that developing key performanc­e indicators will have a positive impact on human capital developmen­t and service delivery.

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