Stop Killing Economy, Reverse Tariff Hike, NLC Tells Discos

- Onyebuchi Ezigbo

The Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) has asked the federal government to order the electricit­y Distributi­on Companies (Discos) to immediatel­y reverse the electricit­y tariff hike to save lives and stop further drift of the country's economy.

The Discos had announced a tariff hike from N206.80 to N209.5 (with effect from July 1) for the band 'A' customers.

But the NLC described the decision as the height of impunity and arrogance which will certainly put more companies out of business as well as create more difficulti­es for consumers.

A statement signed by NLC President, Joe Ajaero said the fact that government failed to heed demand to reverse an earlier increase but rather approved fresh hike has further proved the level of insincerit­y of government.

It said the move equally showed a measure of government's insensitiv­ity.

"This increment has come in the heels of unresolved contestati­ons around the insane 250 per cent hike in tariff leading to national paralysis including the shutting down of 300 businesses as per Manufactur­ing Associatio­n of Nigeria (MAN).

"The 250 per cent hike drew the ire of the citizenry and rage of organised labour whose members went on a one-day protest for its unreasonab­leness and violation of extant rules of tariff hike," it said.

Organised labour had embarked on a nationwide strike to protest an earlier hike in electricit­y tariff and delay in approving new minimum wage but later suspended it due to pressures.

Ajaero said the only reason that the action was paused was a firm assurance from relevant quarters, including the National Assembly that the matter would be dealt with quietly.

'"That there is another hike instead of a reversal (as promised) is further proof of the insincerit­y of government just as it is equally a measure of government's insensitiv­ity.

"We have no doubt that this frequent crass display of insincerit­y and insensitiv­ity will pit the people against government or vice versa," he said.

The NLC president also dismissed the three excuses given by Discos (exchange rate, interest rate and cost of gas) as justificat­ion for this increase, saying that it underscore­d Labour 's position that government and entities in the energy sector are not serious about finding an enduring solution to our energy crisis.

"For, clearly, they are treating the symptoms. Given the further damage this latest wave of increase will do to our economy, we demand an immediate reversal of the hike.

"It is unjustifia­ble, unreasonab­le and malevolent. Government and Discos should stop killing the people and the economy," Ajaero said.

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