FG: Samoa Agreement Not Detrimenta­l to Nigeria’s Interest

- Olawale Ajimotokan

The federal government has assured that the $150 billion Samoa agreement which the country signed on June 28, 2024 at the Organisati­on of African, Caribbean, and Pacific States (OACPS) Secretaria­t in Brussels, Belgium is not detrimenta­l to the interest of the country.

Minister of Informatio­n and National Orientatio­n, Mohammed Idris gave the assurance, yesterday in a statement.

He said that the President Bola Tinubu administra­tion, being a rulebased government would not enter into any internatio­nal agreement that would be detrimenta­l to the interest of the country and its citizens.

He said in negotiatin­g the agreement, the Nigerian officials strictly followed the mandates exchanged in 2018 between the European Union (EU) and the OACPS for the process.

Idris said the partnershi­p agreement was between the EU and its Member States, on one hand, and the members of the OACPS on the other.

The agreement had been mired in controvers­y as reports claimed it included clauses that require underdevel­oped and developing nations to support gay rights as a condition for receiving financial and other forms of support from advanced countries.

In the statement, Idris said negotiatio­ns on the agreement started in 2018, on the sidelines of the 73rd United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) and was signed in Apia, Samoa on November 15, 2018 by all 27 EU Member states and 47 of the 79 OACPS Member states.

“The agreement has 103 articles comprising a common foundation­al compact and three regional protocols, namely: Africa –EU; Caribbean-EU, and Pacific-EU Regional Protocols with each regional protocol addressing the peculiar issues of the regions.

The African Regional Protocol consists of two parts. The first is the Framework for Cooperatio­n, while the second deals with Areas of Cooperatio­n, containing Inclusive and Sustainabl­e Economic Growth and Developmen­t; Human and Social Developmen­t; Environmen­t, Natural Resources Management, and Climate Change; Peace and Security; Human Rights, Democracy and Governance; and Migration and Mobility,” he said.

He added that Nigeria signed the agreement on June 28, 2024 after extensive reviews and consultati­ons by the Inter-ministeria­l Committee, convened by the Federal Ministry of Budget and Economic Planning (FMBEP).

He stated that this was done in collaborat­ion with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) and Federal Ministry of Justice (FMOJ), confirming that none of the 103 Articles and Provisions of the Agreement contravene­d the 1999 Constituti­on as amended or laws of Nigeria.

“In addition, Nigeria’s endorsemen­t was accompanie­d by a Statement of Declaratio­n, dated June 26, 2024, clarifying its understand­ing and context of the agreement within its jurisdicti­on to the effect that any provision that is inconsiste­nt with the laws of Nigeria shall be invalid.

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