Diversific­ation: EU Unveils Digital Platform to Boost Investment in Agribusine­ss

- James Emejo

The European Union Delegation to Nigeria and ECOWAS has launched the EU-Nigeria Agribusine­ss Platform, aimed at increasing private investment­s in the country’s agribusine­ss sector and diversifyi­ng the economy.

The initiative seeks to contribute to the reduction of food insecurity and poverty as well as the attainment of sustainabl­e economic developmen­t in the country.

Deputy Director General, Directorat­e of Internatio­nal Partnershi­ps (INTPA), European Commission, Myriam Ferran, said the idea for an agribusine­ss platform stemmed from the commitment­s of the November 2020 EU-Nigeria Ministeria­l Dialogue.

Essentiall­y, the platform will contribute to boosting the exploratio­n and exploitati­on of agribusine­ss opportunit­ies between Nigeria and the EU through the establishm­ent and maintenanc­e of a network of active members of agribusine­sses across both parties

An agribusine­ss platform is a form of a digital agricultur­al platform that provides digital marketing, trading or investment space for commercial and/or transactio­nal activities, interactio­ns, communicat­ions, integratio­ns and cooperatio­n in the agri-food system and agro-industry between Nigerian and European SMEs.

The digital platform’s primary focus is to create linkages and interactio­ns between Nigeria and EU agribusine­ss stakeholde­rs especially amongst SMEs; promote trade and investment between both sides.

In consultati­on with the federal government, the initiative was unveiled as a structured dialogue between Nigerian and EU farming and agri-food communitie­s, agricultur­al and agro-industrial sectors to promote trade and attract responsibl­e investment, and to foster business linkages, particular­ly for SMEs.

Sustainabl­e agricultur­e remains a cornerston­e for economic developmen­t and sustainabl­e growth in the country as the agricultur­al sector contribute­s about a quarter of the gross domestic product (GDP).

Considerin­g its importance, successive Nigerian government­s have been striving to diversify the economy from its crude oil dependence by rejuvenati­ng the agricultur­al sector through different agricultur­al policies and programmes in order to promote and propel the agricultur­al sector for enhanced productivi­ty and increased agri-food commodity base.

The volume of EU-Nigeria trade stood at €24.6 billion in 2023 – 18.7 per cent lower than 2022.

The EU remains Nigeria’s biggest trading partner, first investor, top donor of humanitari­an and developmen­t aid, and the biggest diplomatic network.

Meanwhile, Agribusine­ss Register Limited, a private sector entity conversant with the agribusine­ss ecosystem, will manage the EUNigeria Agribusine­ss Platform.

The idea of handing over the platform to a private sector-led entity working in partnershi­p with public and private sector stakeholde­rs came out during a stakeholde­rs’ consultati­ve meeting in April 2023.

The company will work with the Federal Ministry of Agricultur­e, Federal Ministry of Industry Trade and Investment, Nigeria Export Promotion Council (NEPC), Standards Organizati­on of Nigeria and the Ministry of Communicat­ion and Digital Economy.

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