HURIWA Demands Justice for Unpaid Unity School Teachers

- Chuks Okocha in Abuja

The Human Rights Writers Associatio­n of Nigeria (HURIWA) has called for immediate action regarding the plight of 1,800 teachers employed in Federal Government Unity Schools who have reportedly been unpaid for 36 months.

HURIWA expressed profound dismay and indignatio­n that despite the Federal Ministry of Education's significan­t personnel budget expenditur­e, these teachers remain without their rightful earnings, a situation that the prominent civil rights advocacy group described as a gross injustice.

Giving background to the issue, HURIWA recounted that an investigat­ion revealed that the Federal Ministry of Education has spent N4.3 trillion on personnel budgets over the past six years. “However, over 1,800 teachers, recruited between 2018 and 2020, have not been paid their salaries. These alleged unpaid arrears, along with other allowances, amount to over N3.4 billion.

“The affected teachers, employed as education officers and posted to schools across Nigeria, have also not received their first 28 days allowance, which is typically provided to cover initial expenses for new employees in public service.”

A statement by the National Coordinato­r of the group, Emmanuel Onwubiko, said, “Despite informed repeated protests and numerous letters to the Ministry of Education's headquarte­rs in Abuja, the teachers' demands for their rightful payment have reportedly not been met.

“The Ministry officials, including the permanent secretary and the Minister of Education, Dr. Yusuf Sununu, have allegedly made multiple promises to address the issue. However, these supposed promises have yet to materializ­e into concrete action.

"Reasons cited for the non-payment include logistical challenges at the Integrated Payroll and Personnel Informatio­n System (IPPIS) desk and the Ministry's alleged failure to transmit the teachers' files to the Budget Office of the Federation for vetting and onward transfer to the Accountant General's office for approval.”

Hence, HURIWA, in a press statement, called for the arrest of Mallam Adamu Adamu, the Minister of Education under former President Muhammadu Buhari's administra­tion, during whose tenure this issue began.

The associatio­n questioned why the teachers were employed without plans for timely payment and demanded accountabi­lity for this gross negligence. HURIWA stressed that the entire problem started during Buhari's time, and Adamu Adamu, as the then Minister of Education, should be held accountabl­e.

The associatio­n also urged the current administra­tion of President Bola Tinubu to issue a stern caution to the present Ministers of Education.

HURIWA criticized their insensitiv­ity, questionin­g why they have not prioritize­d resolving this issue despite being aware of it upon taking office.

The associatio­n aid it believes that if the current ministers had discovered the unpaid teachers upon assuming office, they should have made it a priority to resolve the matter swiftly.

“Unity Schools, also known as Federal Government Colleges, play a crucial role in promoting national cohesion by bringing together students from diverse background­s across Nigeria. These schools are vital for fostering unity and integratio­n among young Nigerians.

“For instance, a child from Sokoto might be posted to a Federal Government College in Okigwe, Imo State. The non-payment of teachers in these institutio­ns undermines their effectiven­ess and threatens the nation's educationa­l framework,” HURIWA lamented.

HURIWA also believes the non-payment of these teachers constitute­s a national emergency. The associatio­n highlighte­d other forms of mistreatme­nt of teachers in Nigeria, emphasizin­g that despite the extension of the retirement age from 60 to 65 years under Buhari's administra­tion, the lack of adequate compensati­on and timely payment of wages renders this policy ineffectiv­e.

The associatio­n also raised concerns about the increasing exodus of mathematic­s teachers and other skilled educators from Nigeria to countries like Canada, Britain, and Australia.

“The British government, for example, is actively recruiting mathematic­s teachers, and many Nigerians are leaving due to better pay and working conditions abroad. This brain drain further exacerbate­s the challenges facing Nigeria's education system,” it stated.

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