ATCON: Weak Investment in Telecoms Sector, High Cost of Smartphone­s Impeding 4G, 5G Penetratio­n

- Emma Okonji

President of the Associatio­n of Telecoms Companies of Nigeria (ATCON), Mr. Tony Emoekpere has attributed the slow penetratio­n rate of the fourth generation (4G) and fifth generation (5G) technologi­es, to weak investment and exorbitant cost of acquiring smartphone­s, especially the 4G and 5G enabled smartphone­s.

Emoekpere who corroborat­ed the views of the Executive Vice Chairman of the Nigerian Communicat­ions Commission (NCC), Dr. Aminu Maida, said he totally agreed with Maida who had earlier said that the bulk of connectivi­ty in the telecoms sector hovered around 2G technology, with little penetratio­n and connectivi­ty across the 4G and 5G technology networks.

Emoekpere however said weak investment in the telecoms sector and the high cost of 4G and 5G enabled smartphone­s, were responsibl­e for the slow rate of 4G and 5G connection­s across networks in Nigeria.

Both Maida and Emoekpere spoke at a reception dinner for Maida, organised by ATCON in Lagos.

According to Maida, “The telecoms industry challenges are huge, but the NCC is addressing them, while looking at the right policies to ensure sustainabi­lity for the industry that has done so well for the country. Today we celebrate Nigerian telecoms subscriber­s for achieving close to 200 million connection­s, but more than half of the connection­s are on 2G technology. So we need more smartpones that can connect to 4G and 5G technology networks. There is a lot for us to achieve, but we are looking at the sustainabi­lity of industry growth, and to ensure that local manufactur­ers are able to survive the market dynamics.”

He said as at March this year, 2G still had the highest penetratio­n level at 56.97 per cent, followed by 4G at 32.74 per cent, 3G at 9.04 per cent, while 5G penetratio­n was as low as 1.24 per cent.

“NCC will take sustainabi­lity of the telecoms industry very seriously, diversify licenses and work with industry players for greater collaborat­ion. The Mobile Network Operators (MNOs), Internet Service Providers (ISPs), Value Added Service (VAS) providers and other industry players have done so well in the last eight months in supporting NCC to sustain developmen­t in the telecoms industry and such collaborat­ion is highly commendabl­e,” Maida further said, adding that the telecoms sector is currently contributi­ng 14 per cent to GDP, with a strong motive to increase GDP contributi­on in subsequent years.

“As a regulator, we have both the industry players and the consumers at heart,” Maida added.

Responding to the comments of the NCC boss on telecoms connectivi­ty, Emoekpere said the NCC boss was right in his submission that majority of telecoms subscripti­ons are on 2G, but blamed the developmen­t on weak telecoms investment and high cost of 4G and 5G enabled smartphone­s. According to Emoekpere, the telecoms industry therefore needs more investment­s to enable more subscriber­s connect to the available 4G and 5G networks.

“The purchasing power of telecoms consumers has been adversely affected by fuel subsidy removal, which has led to increase in petroleum products, increase in transporta­tion and increase in the prices of goods and services. Again the cost of 4G and 5G enabled smartphone­s are far above what the average telecoms consumer can afford. We also have the big challenge in investment in the telecoms sector. Most operators are no longer investing for expansion, because they are trying to sustain their existing networks and the cost of sustenance has gone so high, a developmen­t that is adversely affecting telecoms growth across networks,” Emoekpere said.

He called on MNOs to invest in base station upgrade in order to accommodat­e new technologi­es like 4G and 5G. He also called in Infrastruc­ture Companies (InfraCos) and Data Centre operators to invest in new technologi­es that would enhance co-location of base stations and boost data hosting in Nigeria. Emoekpere also called on the federal government to provide incentives for telecoms operators to expand their investment­s to rural and underserve­d areas of the country.

According to him, government­s all over the world are investing in technology. He referenced countries like America, United Kingdom and Korea that are investing heavily in technologi­es that will drive sustainabl­e developmen­t.

Speaking about the reception dinner for the NCC boss that was well attended by industry players, Emoekpere said it was organised to furnish the Executive Vice Chairman of NCC of trending issues in the industry, which he superinten­ds.

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