GTCO, UBA Top Others as Most Profitable Lenders by RoE in 2023FY

- Kayode Tokede

On the backdrop of impressive earnings, Guaranty Trust Bank Holding Company Plc (GTCO) and United Bank for Africa Plc (UBA) outpaced other banks as the most profitable financial institutio­ns by Return on Equity (RoE) in the 2023 financial year.

RoE is a ratio that provides investors with insight into how efficientl­y a company (or more specifical­ly, its management team) is handling the money that shareholde­rs have contribute­d to it.

GTCO, according to THISDAY investigat­ions declared 44.82 per cent RoE from 18.65 per cent in 2022.

The 23.61 per cent RoE growth recorded by GTCO showed efficiency in generating income and growth from its shareholde­rs amid a punitive regulatory environmen­t.

“The Group’s performanc­e remained resilient and responsive in the face of daunting challenges ranging from elevated inflation, heightened FX risks that characteri­sed most of 2023 financial year.

“It adapted by deploying timely, appropriat­e, and efficient strategies to navigate the vagaries of macros across its Jurisdicti­on of operations, posting pre-tax Return on Average Equity of 44.80,” the bank said in a presentati­on to investors and analysts.

The total dividend payout by

GTCO management stood at N3.20 kobo for 2023 financial year, about three per cent increase from N3.10 kobo paid to shareholde­rs in 2022 financial year.

UBA closely trailed GTCO as its RoE closed 2023 FY at 41.20 per cent from 19.70 per cent reported in 2022.

The Pan-African financial institutio­n in 2023 performanc­e reported N757.7billion profit before tax, an increase of 277 per cent from N200.9 billion in 2022, while its profit after tax stood at N607.7 billion in 2022, a growth of 257 per cent from N170.3 billion reported in 2022.

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