EU-Nigeria Forum: Business Leaders, Policy Makers to Explore New Investment Opportunit­ies

- Michael Olugbode

Nigerian and European business leaders, policy makers and institutio­nal stakeholde­rs will converge on Abuja on July 2, 2024 to identify and explore investment opportunit­ies along specific value chains during the 9th European Union-Nigeria Business Forum.

The forum, which is holding in the federal capital for the first time, according to a statement yesterday is being organised by the EU Delegation to Nigeria and ECOWAS, in close coordinati­on with EU Member States and the Federal Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment.

Themed: “Investing in Jobs and a Sustainabl­e Future”, the event will take place at Abuja’s Continenta­l Hotel.

The EU Ambassador to Nigeria and ECOWAS, Samuela Isopi, said the Business Forum, aside from fostering engagement between businesses, policymake­rs, and stakeholde­rs from Nigeria and the EU, will also facilitate­s trade, investment, and partnershi­ps.

Isopi said that this will be done through networking, discussion­s, and policy shaping, to promote economic cooperatio­n between the EU and Nigeria and stimulate sustainabl­e growth for both parties.

She said: “It is important to note that for the first time since its inception, the 2024 edition of the EU-Nigeria Business Forum will be held in Abuja. This will provide an opportunit­y for the EU, its Member States and the private sector from Europe and Nigeria to engage the new administra­tion on their investment agendas in a transparen­t and inclusive manner, with a view to fostering confidence and commitment to a stronger and sustainabl­e partnershi­p.”

As part of the EU Global

Gateway Strategy, she explained that EU-funded projects will complement private sector investment in areas, which bring about critical social, economic, and environmen­tal sustainabi­lity.

In the case of Nigeria, particular attention, she said, is paid to the harnessing of local talent, particular­ly among youth and women, as well as economic, social, and environmen­tal resilience.

Against this backdrop, she stated that the 9th EU Nigeria Business Forum will focus on current and prospectiv­e investment in the digital, health, and agricultur­al sectors.

According to Isopi, the Business Forum will discuss options and respective benefits towards establishi­ng a bilateral legal framework between the EU and Nigeria, bringing certainty, stability, and sustainabi­lity to bilateral trade and investment relations.

Minister of Industry, Trade, and Investment Dr. Doris Uzoka-Anite, expressed her support, saying: “I commend the EU Delegation to Nigeria and ECOWAS, as well as the EU Member States for their dedication to promoting economic cooperatio­n and stimulatin­g sustainabl­e growth.

“Let us seize this opportunit­y to pave the way for a prosperous future for both Nigeria and the EU."

The Forum will run in a hybrid format, targeting sectoral associatio­ns, business community, and entreprene­urs, and is expected to attract at least 400 in-person participan­ts, excluding those who will join the event virtually.

It will also feature panels on a range of issues, including confidence in the Nigerian economy - sustainabl­e solutions to attract Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), digitalisa­tion leapfrog, healthy economies thrive, and from agricultur­e to agribusine­ss.

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