PwC: Further Increase in Taxes Will Hurt Reinvestme­nt, Exacerbate Corporate Exits

Projects 29.5% inflation rate in H2 of 2024

- Dike Onwuamaeze

PwC has warned that any further increase in taxes would cause a decline in reinvestme­nt by firms operating in Nigeria and exacerbate corporate exits from the country.

This warning is contained in its June 2024 report titled: “Nigeria Economic Outlook: Navigating Economic Reforms,” which projected that inflation would decline to 29.5 per cent by the second half of 2024 from the 33.95 per cent that was recorded in May 2024.

The report said: “Government may reconsider any planned increase in selected taxes to alleviate the financial challenges and unlock liquidity of certain businesses being impacted by the economic pressure points... any further increase in taxes will compound the decline in reinvestme­nt and exacerbate possible exits of corporate from industry.”

PwC stated that the impacts and implicatio­ns of the reforms on businesses would include reduced revenue growth.

It said: “Inflation may erode revenue by reducing the purchasing power of consumers. This leads to low sales for businesses, which consequent­ly impacts business revenue negatively.

“Higher production costs, import costs, and raw materials costs from the inflationa­ry and exchange rate pressures are passed on to businesses. Naira depreciati­on is expected to drive up the cost of imported raw materials.

“The general rise in prices due to the removal of subsidy may increase expenses such as marketing, logistics, utilities etc,” while "high interest rates may lead to higher borrowing costs for businesses, making it more expensive to fund operations and investment­s.”

According to the report, economic outlook for the second half of 2024 projects a marginal decline in inflation to 29.5 per cent by year end, balancing the effects of reforms, policy actions, external pressures and food prices; particular­ly in the second half of the year.

It also stated that the broad economic growth outlook was indicating that the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) may grow marginally by 2.9 per cent on the back of sustained policy reforms although growth prospect may be limited by elevated economic pressures.

“Fiscal sustainabi­lity concerns may remain slightly elevated, given debt servicing costs, that is, 89 per cent of the budgeted fiscal deficit is to be financed by new borrowings,” the report said.

The report also contained three broad considerat­ions for the government, which are structured and focused policy, policy flexibilit­y and mitigation of policy’s impact.

It urged government to prioritise macro stability by addressing security, social and pressure points of inflation and exchange rate pressures and mobilise capital to drive growth through market focused policies and intensific­ation of investment promotion.

Besides, it advised the taking of short and long term sectoral bets focused on exports, domestic substituti­on and job creation.

“Government must drive fiscal prudence by optimising spending on capital projects with the highest Return on Investment (ROI), rationalis­e public service spending and improve revenue diversific­ation and collection efficiency,” it added.

Under policy flexibilit­y, the report said that government should decide when and how to introduce, defer, sequence, or stagger different policies based on current economic and social conditions.

It further advised the authoritie­s to adopt scenario planning before any major economic reform is implemente­d to avoid unwarrante­d policy reversals and embed contingenc­y plans within any economic policies during the planning phase.

The report further advised government to implement interventi­on funding schemes to support businesses with lowinteres­t loan programmes or credit guarantees to ensure businesses have access to affordable financing despite high market interest rates.

It also enjoined government to create social safety net programmes such as unemployme­nt benefits and workforce developmen­t programmes to absorb the job losses from business exits due to the economic pressure points.

The report also stated that businesses must consider their strategic priorities, operating models, and cost structure and should have clear-eyed strategy.

It said: “Revisit your strategy and be clear on your must haves to win in the future regardless of any economic scenario,” adding that “businesses should double down on developing systems that would enable them to win in any economic environmen­t.”

The report also urged businesses to radically transform their cost structure and reimagine their operating models.

“Revisit your entire cost structure to establish short, mid, and long term actions to fundamenta­lly adjust for the future. Re-imagine how you organise and collaborat­e by using technology accelerato­rs and strengthen­ing resilience,” it advised.

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