Adewale Tinubu, a Glittering Star in the Business Firmament @57


The late Scottish theologian and author, William Barclay, was celebrated for writing several books with great appeal. In one of his very inspiring quotes, Barclay, also a renowned television and radio presenter, said: “There are two great days in a person’s life: the day we are born and the day we discover why.”

Interestin­gly, among the few great personalit­ies in the world who may be said to have internalis­ed the true essence of Barclay’s thought-provoking words is Adewale Tinubu, the Group Chief Executive, Oando Plc. Tinubu, also a lawyer, turns 57 on Wednesday, June 26.

Society Watch gathered that he usually looks forward to the day with indescriba­ble joy. The reason, according to his close associates, is that the occasion always affords him a moment of introspect­ion.

However, unlike others in his social class, the man, fondly called the King of African Oil, does not usually disturb the peace of his neighbours nor jar their ears with loud music while his birthday celebratio­ns last.

Also, those who chose to celebrate his birthday every year have learnt never to throw caution to the winds either. It is like a shared belief of sorts between him and his family, business associates and faithful fans.

Unknown to many who wonder about his dislike for elaborate birthday celebratio­ns, Tinubu has, indeed, found an answer to why he was born: to impact humanity positively. He has uplifted countless souls with his magnanimit­y, been an angel of hope for the heavy-hearted, lavished favours on millions globally, and provided a guiding light for the hopeless.

As an entreprene­ur of repute, he has provided employment opportunit­ies for several, in and outside the country, thereby enabling them to live their dreams. Though he does not court publicity for his humanitari­an gestures, he is nonetheles­s an unsung hero. His worthy deeds have not gone unnoticed, as he has been honoured, both at home and abroad for making his world a better place to live in.

 ?? ?? Tinubu

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