Tongues Wag over Fred Ajudua’s Altruism


Bet no socialite worth his onion would not know Fred Ajudua in his halcyon days as a top player in the social circle. He commanded a lot of respect that made his name a household item. While he was envied by many, others saw him as a godsend in their lives and loved him beyond descriptio­n. He had so many things at his beck and call in his days of glory and was considered one of the biggest spenders in the social circle.

Also, he was a darling of many musicians, especially Fuji and Juju music stars, who constantly sang his praises and were handsomely rewarded in return. Many artists would gladly choose to perform free of charge as long as his name was on the guests’ list. He was indeed a happy-go-lucky guy.

However, his popularity suffered a serious decline following his arrest by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), for allegedly defrauding two Dutch businessme­n of $1.69 million. He also pulled one of the major ‘stunts’ in history when he allegedly defrauded a former Chief of Army Staff, General Ishaya Bamaiyi (rtd), of $8.4m, while they were both in custody at the Kirikiri Prison in Lagos between November 2004 and June 2005. Even when it seemed he had been temporaril­y left off the hook, the Delta Stateborn city businessma­n went back into his cocoon.

Society Watch gathered that Ajudua recently made a grandiose return as a ‘born-again man of God.’ It was hinted that Ajudua, during his recent birthday celebratio­n donated over 50 houses to widows and the less-privileged in his community, Ibusa, Delta State.

According to our source, this was done through the establishm­ent of the FCA Scholarshi­p Foundation. The foundation, according to the source, has made notable contributi­ons to Ibusa, demonstrat­ing Ajudua’s commitment to charitable endeavours. However, this act of altruism has set tongues wagging as many claim that Ajudua is only being generous with other people’s sweat.

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