Nasir El-Rufai: Treading Troubles with Ease


A person’s response to trouble often reveals their character and resilience. This is a truth exemplifie­d by the recent actions of Nasir El-Rufai, the former governor of Kaduna State. Amidst brewing tensions with his successor, El-Rufai’s demeanour and handling of the situation provide insight into his leadership style and fortitude.

The waves of trouble continue to froth between El-Rufai and the incumbent governor of Kaduna State, Uba Sani, as accusation­s flew regarding the financial management of the state during El-Rufai’s tenure. The Kaduna State House of Assembly initiated a probe into the loans received and spent under El-Rufai’s administra­tion, adding fuel to the political fire.

El-Rufai’s response to these troubles has been characteri­sed by unwavering confidence and defiance. Despite the ongoing investigat­ion, he remains unfazed, even going so far as to predict the failure of his successor’s administra­tion. In his words, Uba is only prancing and will soon fall off like candy in the hands of a child.

This situation truly sheds light on ElRufai’s unyielding nature and his willingnes­s to confront challenges head-on. Throughout his political career, he has been no stranger to controvers­y, often making headlines for his outspoken views and bold policy decisions. It should be noted that some of these views have contrasted widespread religious lines of harmony or even human rights matters. But what is all that before El-Rufai’s pattern of defiance and confidence?

As the storm of political turmoil swirls around him, the question arises: will El-Rufai weather this storm or succumb to its fury? With his tenacity, one might say he is wellequipp­ed to navigate these turbulent waters and emerge unscathed. However, the outcome remains uncertain because political landscapes are ever-shifting and unpredicta­ble.

There is a valuable lesson to be learned from El-Rufai’s dispositio­n: in times of trouble, maintainin­g composure and resolve can do wonders. On the flip side, however, excessive hardness could lead to one’s ruin.

 ?? ?? El-Rufai

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