Will Pastor Idowu Iluyomade Float His Own Church?


Is it easier to start a new venture or continue along the path of one’s legacy, particular­ly with advancing age and time constraint­s? This question is pertinent for Pastor Idowu Iluyomade and his wife, Siju, who have dedicated years to building their ministry at the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG).

Pastor Iluyomade is currently facing significan­t challenges after his recent resignatio­n from RCCG’s Trinity Towers. The controvers­y surroundin­g his departure involves allegation­s of insensitiv­ity and internal politickin­g within the church, which have cast a shadow on his longstandi­ng contributi­ons to the ministry.

Public response to Pastor Iluyomade’s situation has been divided. Some church members have voiced strong support for the Iluyomades, criticisin­g the RCCG for what they see as a pattern of sidelining influentia­l pastors. Others, however, have criticised the couple for their perceived extravagan­t lifestyle, suggesting it may have played a role in their current predicamen­t.

Amidst this turmoil, rumours are circulatin­g that Pastor Iluyomade might establish his own church. Such a move could allow him to continue his ministry without the constraint­s and politics of RCCG, providing a fresh start and a platform to further his vision.

Starting a new church at this stage, however, poses its own set of challenges. While Pastor Iluyomade has extensive experience and a solid following, he is also advancing in age. Building a new congregati­on from the ground up would require significan­t effort and energy, testing his resilience and resources.

Alternativ­ely, the Iluyomades have other viable paths they can pursue. Both are accomplish­ed lawyers and philanthro­pists, with Siju being the founder of Arise Women. They could return to their legal careers or focus on their philanthro­pic efforts, leveraging their experience and influence in new ways. Of course, the challenges of time and resources remain.

Ultimately, time will reveal the next steps for Pastor Idowu Iluyomade and his wife. Whether they choose to start a new church or explore other ventures, their journey will continue to unfold, shedding light on their wisdom, resilience, and adaptabili­ty.

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