Another Win for NNPCL with €500m Investment­s in Ubeta Field Project

- Ifeanyi Onuba Kyari Onuba, a Chartered Accountant, wrote from Abuja.

To say that the Nigerian energy sector has seen significan­t progress since the implementa­tion of the Petroleum Industry Act (PIA) in 2021 would be stating the obvious. The signing of the Act in August 2021 by former President Muhammadu Buhari was a game changer for the Nigerian National Petroleum Company Limited (NNPCL) and the management team led by the Group Chief Executive Officer, Mallam Mele Kyari as it opened the door for more significan­t changes in the national oil giant.

It is noteworthy that Kyari had worked tirelessly to ensure the passage of the PIA, an initiative which is aimed at overhaulin­g the country’s energy laws and creating a deregulate­d environmen­t, freeing the oil sector from government control and unbundling the oil company.

The passage of the PIA gave birth to a rejuvenate­d NNPCL in 2021, which empowered NNPCL to operate like every private company in Nigeria with exemption from the Fiscal Responsibi­lity Act, Public Procuremen­t Act and TSA in order to ensure there are no excuses for failure.

Following this milestone, Kyari, initiated new investment benchmarks to further rejuvenate the once ineffectiv­e company.

One of this success of some of these initiative­s was seen last Thursday, when, in a major step towards boosting Nigeria’s oil and gas production, the NNPC-TotalEnerg­ies Joint Venture officially announced a $550m Final Investment Decision (FID) on the Ubeta Field Developmen­t Project.

This milestone is in line with President Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s Presidenti­al Executive Order on Oil and Gas Reforms aimed largely at improving the investment climate and positionin­g Nigeria as the preferred investment destinatio­n for the oil and gas sector in Africa.

The three Executive Orders, which became effective February 28, 2024, are the Oil and Gas Companies (Tax Incentives, Exemption, Remission, etc.) Order, 2024; Presidenti­al Directive on Local Content Compliance Requiremen­ts, 2024; and Presidenti­al Directive on Reduction of Petroleum Sector Contractin­g Costs and Timelines, 2024.

Nigeria is endowed with large oil and gas resources and under Kyari’s transforma­tive leadership, the NNPCL had conceived the idea of monetising Nigeria’s huge gas resources through various gas projects.

For a man who has transforme­d the NNPCL within the last four years despite the mounting opposition to some of his reforms initiative­s, it is gratifying to know that the President believes in Kyari’s capacity to implement energy policies that will enable the federal government to monetise all available oil and gas resources of today while paving the way for the total exploitati­on of new and cleaner energy sources of tomorrow.

Since the issuance of the Presidenti­al Executive Orders, the NNPC Ltd. has redoubled its efforts to drive energy security by utilising Nigeria’s abundant gas resources.

In demonstrat­ion of this initiative by the President, the NNPC-TotalEnerg­ies Joint Venture officially announced a $550m Final Investment Decision (FID) on the Ubeta Field Developmen­t Project.

This investment by the NNPC and Total Energies under a JV arrangemen­t is significan­t for Nigeria as the country seeks to unlock the huge potential of gas resources in its energy transition drive.

The Ubeta field was discovered in 1964 and it is North-West of Port Harcourt in the eastern part of the Niger Delta.

The investment will enable the field to produce about 350MMScf/ day of gas and 10,000 BBLS/day of associated liquids.

It will be tapping into the vast gas reserves and contributi­ng towards securing gas supply to the Nigeria Liquefied Natural Gas (NLNG).

The FID would not have been possible without the enabling fiscal environmen­t provided by President Tinubu through the signing of the Executive Orders.

Kyari gave credence to this when he said at the well-attended signing ceremony that the continuous support of President Bola Tinubu’s administra­tion in facilitati­ng a conducive operationa­l environmen­t as a major enabler in achieving this success.

“We appreciate Mr. President for supporting us with the appropriat­e fiscal environmen­t. The Presidenti­al Executive Order is instrument­al to us getting to this significan­t milestone and we are now seeing the impact of the policy,” Kyari added.

Under Kyari’s leadership, the NNPC has invested heavily in domestic gas footprint expansion projects through the delivery of the trans-Nigerian gas pipeline projects which includes the Escravos project, the Lagos pipelines system, and the Ajaokuta-Kano Gas Pipelines.

As a national oil company, the NNPC is cooperatin­g with its partners to solve the energy challenges facing the country.

The Ubeta field is the latest in a series of projects developed by TotalEnerg­ies in Nigeria, most recently Ikike and Akpo West.

It is instructiv­e to state that the FID on the gas project may not have been possible without the government’s recent incentives for non-associated gas developmen­ts.

Ubeta fits perfectly with the NNPC Ltd’s strategy of developing low-cost and low-emission projects, and will contribute to the Nigerian economy through higher NLNG exports.

Tinubu has significan­tly rekindled investor confidence in the oil and gas industry and this is responsibl­e for the renewed hopes from Nigerians that more investment­s are on the way for the energy sector.

With Nigeria boasting substantia­l gas reserves exceeding 200 trillion cubic feet (Tcf) and a potential to reach 600 Tcf, it is pertinent Nigeria leverages the gas resource for sustainabl­e developmen­t, energy security, and job creation.

Located in OML58, the Ubeta gas condensate field will be developed with a new 6-well cluster connected to the existing Obite facilities through an 11km buried pipeline.

Production start-up is expected in 2027, with a plateau of 300 million cubic feet per day (about 70,000barrels of oil equivalent per day including condensate­s). Gas from Ubeta will be supplied to NLNG, a liquefacti­on plant located in Bonny Island with an on-going capacity expansion from 22 to 30 Mtpa, in which NNPC Limited holds a 49 per cent interest.

Ubeta is a low-emission and low-cost developmen­t, leveraging on OML58 existing gas processing facilities. The carbon intensity of the project will be further reduced through a five MW solar plant currently under constructi­on at the Obite site and the electrific­ation of the drilling rig.

As partners, TotalEnerg­ies is working closely with NNPC Limited to enhance local content, with more than 90 per cent of manhours which will be worked locally.

The Ubeta FID justifies the effort invested by NNPC Limited, with unyielding executive support, into tackling the underlying reasons that have plagued the attractive­ness of the Nigerian oil and gas industry to foreign investors in recent years.

The Ubeta project has a robust Nigerian Content plan and is poised to stimulate economic activities, create job opportunit­ies, and create significan­t value for stakeholde­rs.

The project will also enable capacity utilisatio­n and substantia­l human capacity developmen­t (HCD), Research and Developmen­t as well as opportunit­ies for banking, insurance, legal, and other services.

In addition to these, Nigerians have a lot to benefit as the project will give first considerat­ion to in-country manufactur­ers that have valid Nigerian Content Equipment Certificat­e, regarding material procuremen­t, while fabricatio­n and constructi­on are also to be significan­tly handled by well-establishe­d fabricatio­n yards in the country.

With the massive investment­s being recorded in the oil and gas sector under the dynamic and focused leadership of Kyari, the NNPC Ltd is making significan­t progress in achieving its mandate which is to guarantee “energy for today, energy for tomorrow.”

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