Shell Reiterates Commitment to Nigeria’sDevelopme­nt,WinsAward

- Ejiofor Alike

Shell Petroleum Developmen­t Company of Nigeria Limited (SPDC) has reaffirmed its unwavering commitment to supporting the socio-economic developmen­t of Nigeria, especially in its areas of operations in the Niger Delta.

SPDC’s Director and Head of Corporate Relations, Igo Weli, restated this in Port Harcourt, weekend, at a dinner to celebrate the 21st anniversar­y of Treasure FM, a member of the Federal Radio Corporatio­n of Nigeria (FRCN) network.

"Our commitment stretches back to the 1950s, with a wide range of programmes supporting education, infrastruc­ture, community electrific­ation, and business empowermen­t," Weli said.

A key highlight of the anniversar­y dinner was the presentati­on of the FRCN Award for Consistent Media Partner to Shell companies in Nigeria.

Weli, who was represente­d by the Shell Spokesman, Michael Adande, said, "this award serves as a strong reminder that Shell's dedication to the socio-economic developmen­t of the Niger Delta region remains a cornerston­e of our presence in Nigeria."

The award recognises Shell's partnershi­p with FRCN, particular­ly its support for the weekly live programme Canvas: Niger Delta Roundtable, which fosters crucial discussion­s on developmen­t issues impacting the region.

"While the award itself was unexpected, it reinforces the value of initiative­s like Canvas," Weli added. "This recognitio­n motivates us to keep promoting developmen­t, not just in our operationa­l areas but across the entire nation."

Since 2017, Canvas: Niger Delta Roundtable has aired twice weekly on different radio stations in the Niger Delta with live online streaming. These broadcasts dedicate an hour to exploring topics relevant to the developmen­t of the region and its people.

The General Manager, FRCN Treasure FM Port Harcourt, Fred Onyeka Nwaulune, commended Shell's partnershi­p.

"Shell has been a reliable media partner, consistent­ly educating the Niger Delta region on the importance of dialogue for developmen­t and peaceful solutions," he said.

"Their programme aligns perfectly with FRCN's focus on sustainabl­e developmen­t."

He noted that through the dialogue radio programme, Shell had demonstrat­ed a continued focus on driving progress and positive change in the Niger Delta and beyond.

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