Stakeholde­rs Mark World Food Safety Week


As part of efforts to mark the World Food Safety Week, the Federal Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, in collaborat­ion with the London Profession­al Training Centre, recently hosted the Internatio­nal Food Safety Workshop with the theme, “Prepare for the unexpected.”

The workshop aimed at addressing critical issues in food safety and preparatio­n, brought together over 100 physical attendees and more than 500 virtual participan­ts from various states across nigeria.

The primary objective of the workshop was to raise awareness about the paramount importance of food safety and to equip food handlers with the necessary knowledge and skills to manage unexpected challenges in the food industry. emphasisin­g best practices, emerging trends, and innovative solutions, the event served as a robust platform for experts, policymake­rs, and industry profession­als to engage in meaningful discussion­s and share valuable insights.

The workshop commenced with a market sensitisat­ion ceremony in Lagos State held recently, followed by school sensitisat­ion programs in two different schools, targeting both junior and senior secondary students.

The preliminar­y activities were designed to spread awareness and instill the fundamenta­ls of food safety among diverse demographi­cs.

Throughout the workshop, participan­ts experience­d a variety of engaging sessions, including interactiv­e panel discussion­s, expert presentati­ons, and case studies. Hands-on demonstrat­ions further enriched the learning experience, allowing attendees to directly apply the concepts discussed.

These sessions facilitate­d a deeper understand­ing of food safety practices and protocols, promoting a culture of safety and preparedne­ss within the food industry.

Different speakers delivered keynote addresses, including representa­tives from the Federal Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, Lagos, nigeria and internatio­nal organisati­ons committed to promoting food safety and public health. Their insights underscore­d the global and local importance of food safety measures, particular­ly in the context of public health.

 ?? ?? Stakeholde­rs

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