Adeniji Kazeem Unveils Book on Electronic Transactio­n


Former Lagos State Attorney General and Commission­er for Justice, Mr. Adeniji Kazeem, has launched a new book titled, 'The Nigerian Law of Electronic Transactio­ns'.

In a statement by Adeniji Kazeem & Co., the Attorney-General of the Federation (AGF) and Minister of Justice, Mr. Lateef Fagbemi, chaired the public presentati­on of the book at an event that was held in Lagos.

Also, former Federal Commission­er of Works, Alhaji Femi Okunnu, was the Special Guest of Honour.

The book authored by a Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN), examined the predominan­ce of electronic transactio­ns in the 21st Century and the need to understand the legal framework that governs it.

Kazeem, as noted in its preface, said: “In today's digital age, electronic transactio­ns have revolution­ized the way we conduct business and manage our financial lives.

“From online banking and mobile payments to cryptocurr­encies and blockchain technology, the landscape of electronic transactio­ns is constantly evolving.

“As we navigate the digital economy landscape, it is essential to understand the legal framework that governs electronic transactio­ns.”

The dignitarie­s who attended the event, described the book as a gateway and guide to the world of electronic transactio­ns, which according to him, would enable readers to navigate this complex and rapidly evolving field with confidence.

Kazeem also explained that the book “shows that the digital economy and the huge financial transactio­ns it generates is made up of a complex but exciting web of laws and regulation­s that sometimes defy regular understand­ing.

“Any country including Nigeria wishing to prosper and benefit from the wealth of the global village must continue to create an enabling environmen­t and enact laws for Electronic transition­s to thrive.”

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