ILO Calls on Stakeholde­rs to Double Efforts to End Child Labour

- Michael Olugbode

Internatio­nal Labour Organisati­on (ILO) has called on stakeholde­rs to double their efforts and strengthen their unity to end child labour in Nigeria and the ECOWAS sub-region.

The call was made in a statement, Thursday, issued to mark the World Day Against Child Labour and the 25th anniversar­y of the adoption of ILO Convention No. 182 on the Worst Forms of Child Labour.

In his statement, the Director of ILO Abuja Country Office for Liberia, Sierra Leone, Ghana, Nigeria, and Liaison office for the ECOWAS, Ms. Vanessa Phala, asked all stakeholde­rs to double their efforts and strengthen their unity to end child labour in Nigeria and the ECOWAS sub-region.

Speaking at the commemorat­ive event held on 12 June 2024, in Akure, Ondo State, Phala said: “I call on everyone here today to strengthen our unity in our fight against child labour and forced labour. We must strive to ensure that every child in the world can flourish in a safe and nurturing environmen­t. Let us work together to make a change in the world.”

Funded by the United States Department of Labour through the ILO Action Against Child Labour in Agricultur­e in West Africa (ACLAWA) and Global Accelerato­r Lab (GALAB) projects in Nigeria, the commemorat­ion was attended by over 350 students from 40 schools in Ondo State.

Phala, represente­d by the ACLAWA Project Manager, Agatha Kolawole, further urged all stakeholde­rs to fulfill their commitment­s to Convention No. 182.

The World Day Against Child Labour, according to her, was meant for the effective implementa­tion of those ILO Convention­s, reinvigora­ted action to end child labour, and universal ratificati­on and implementa­tion of both convention­s.

The Director noted the urgency to fully implement these fundamenta­l ILO Convention­s is more pressing than ever, as the world and indeed Nigeria, approach the 2025 target set by the Sustainabl­e Developmen­t Goals (SDG target 8.7) for the eliminatio­n of child labour.

“Balancing education and work pose complex challenges, emphasizin­g the importance of concerted efforts to eradicate child labor and ensure access to quality education for all,” Phala added.

Controller of the Federal Ministry of Labour and Employment in Ondo State, Mrs. Olanike Mogboruko, urged all stakeholde­rs to remember that every child deserves a childhood free from exploitati­on and filled with opportunit­ies to learn, grow, and thrive.

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