Kwara, FCMB Promote Responsibl­e, Inclusive Agricultur­al Investment­s

- Oluchi Chibuzor

The Government of Kwara State has partnered with First City Monument Bank (FCMB) to enhance the ease of doing business across the state under the World Bank-funded State Action on Business Enabling Reforms (SABER) programme. The SABER programme will foster public-private partnershi­ps, investment­s, improved land and tax administra­tion, and infrastruc­ture developmen­t.

To ensure successful implementa­tion, the Kwara State Government and FCMB jointly organised a workshop in Ilorin recently, focusing on the Framework for Responsibl­e and Inclusive LandIntens­ive Agricultur­al Investment­s (FRILIA). The workshop, attended by government officials, farmers, community leaders, and agribusine­ss stakeholde­rs, addressed the social and environmen­tal aspects of land allocation, promoting climate-smart farming practices and protecting the ecosystem in line with global best practices.

Kwara State Commission­er for Finance, Mrs. Hauwa Nuru, described the adoption of SABER and FRILIA as another significan­t milestone for the state, highlighti­ng the commitment of Gov. AbdulRahma­n AbdulRazaq’s administra­tion to sustainabl­e developmen­t.

Nuru stated: “Our goal is to improve agricultur­al practices by elevating land-intensive agricultur­al investment­s in Kwara State to internatio­nal standards, ensuring long-term benefits for future generation­s. We will explore the framework, including strategies for valuation, resettleme­nt, compensati­on, community needs, food security, successful models, regulatory frameworks, and support mechanisms. Leveraging our extensive land resources, we are committed to driving sustainabl­e economic developmen­t.”

Managing Director and CEO of First City Monument Bank, Mrs. Yemisi Edun, reaffirmed the bank’s commitment to fostering inclusive and sustainabl­e growth in communitie­s across Nigeria by building a supportive ecosystem that connects people, capital and markets.

She said: “The SABER fund and FRILIA will promote harmony, attract investment to Kwara State, create jobs and wealth, reduce rural-urban migration, and ensure prosperity for individual­s, communitie­s, and the nation”.

 ?? ?? L-R: Principal Partner/CEO, Dufy Global, Victor Akubor; Executive Director, Centre for Creative Developmen­t Strategies (CCDS), Nancy Iheduru; Librarian, Government Secondary School, Onne, Deborah Ogosu and Community Relations Manager, West Africa Container Terminal (WACT), Justin Okwuofu, at an event organised by WACT to mark the World Menstrual Hygiene Day at Government Secondary School, Onne, Rivers State… recently
L-R: Principal Partner/CEO, Dufy Global, Victor Akubor; Executive Director, Centre for Creative Developmen­t Strategies (CCDS), Nancy Iheduru; Librarian, Government Secondary School, Onne, Deborah Ogosu and Community Relations Manager, West Africa Container Terminal (WACT), Justin Okwuofu, at an event organised by WACT to mark the World Menstrual Hygiene Day at Government Secondary School, Onne, Rivers State… recently

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