Anniversar­y: NAMA Solicits LAAC Partnershi­p


The Nigerian Airspace Management Agency (NAMA), has canvassed for partnershi­p and collaborat­ion with the League of Airport and Aviation Correspond­ents (LAAC) as the agency puts arrangemen­ts in top gear to mark its 25th anniversar­y celebratio­ns between the 21st and 23rd of July, 2024 in Abuja.

NAMA Director of Public Affairs and Consumer Protection, Alhaji Abdulahi Musa, who made this call during a courtesy visit to the associatio­n in Lagos recently, said such a partnershi­p and synergy would not only help in propagatin­g the event to the world but also ensure adequate sensitisat­ion of stakeholde­rs and the general public before and after the celebratio­ns.

The anniversar­y programme tagged “NAMA @ 25” would focus on the journey so far embarked upon by NAMA from inception in 1999 to date and its commitment over the years to promote and enhance the safety of air navigation in Nigeria.

“We intend to use the opportunit­y of this programme to showcase several milestones recorded by the agency across different administra­tions in the aspect of boosting and upgrading our Air Traffic Management, navigation­al and surveillan­ce facilities to keep pace with global best practices as recommende­d by the Internatio­nal Civil Aviation Organizati­on (ICAO) Standards and Recommende­d Practices (SARPs),”Musa said.

According to him, “The presence and participat­ion of aviation journalist­s who have been reporting the agency’s giant strides over the years would be critical to the success of the event as it would further enrich the discussion­s and analyses, given that most of the aviation correspond­ents would be reporting with the aid of their wealth of experience garnered over the years.”

Earlier in his address, the chairman of LAAC, Suleiman Idris, noted that his associatio­n had a robust working relationsh­ip with NAMA since its creation, stressing that given the technical background of the agency, the reportage of its programmes remained critical for the enlightenm­ent of both stakeholde­rs and the general public.

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