Sanwo-Olu Advocates Increased, Sustained Climate Financing to Mitigate Climate Change Challenges


Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu of Lagos State, Thursday, advocated a scaled up and sustained climate financing to mitigate Climate Change challenges.

Speaking through his Deputy, Dr. Obafemi Hamzat, during the closing ceremony of the 10th Lagos Internatio­nal Climate Change Summit held at Victoria Island, the governor said that government­s, financial institutio­ns, and internatio­nal organizati­ons must work collaborat­ively to bridge the financing gap.

He added that it is high time the government ensured that resources are directed towards projects that yield tangible benefits for communitie­s and ecosystems.

His words: "We are committed to fostering a supportive environmen­t for climate finance and local adaptation initiative­s, ensuring that all efforts are aligned with the insights and expertise shared".

He applauded the resolve of participan­ts to work hand in hand with all stakeholde­rs to transform the discussion­s into concrete actions that will benefit communitie­s and environmen­t.

He added that participan­ts have also learnt that accelerati­ng climate finance is not merely about mobilizing funds but ensuring that these resources reach those who need them most saying.

“It is about creating financial instrument­s that are accessible, equitable, and effective,” he elaborated.

The governor added that experts have highlighte­d innovative financing mechanisms, from green bonds to climate insurance, and the importance of leveraging both public and private sector investment­s.

He stressed that the discussion­s have underscore­d the necessity of a systemic shift in how everyone perceive and deploy financial resources for climate action.

Further according to him, the government would continue to prioritize capacity building and knowledge sharing by empowering local communitie­s with the skills, tools, and knowledge they need to develop and implement adaptation strategies.

He said the government is determined to continuall­y strengthen policy frameworks and regulatory environmen­ts to support climate action, and remain steadfast in our commitment to inclusivit­y and equity.

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