Nigeria, Putting People at the Centre of Its Reforms

- Ousmane Diagana Diagana

Each visit to Nigeria reaffirms my admiration for the nation's dynamic energy and the unyielding spirit of its people, which is deeply embedded in their culture, arts, entreprene­urial activities, and industrial sectors. Nigeria's potential to emerge as a leading economic powerhouse in Africa is rooted in the hardworkin­g ethos of its citizens, who have proven their excellence both locally and internatio­nally. Currently, Nigeria is at a decisive moment, with the opportunit­y to stabilize its economy and drive sustainabl­e, inclusive growth for all its citizens.

The recent macroecono­mic reforms reflect Nigeria's determinat­ion to improve its economic outlook and expand its economy. The home-grown policy to work towards eliminatin­g gasoline subsidies is expected to generate fiscal room, redirectin­g funds toward vital investment­s in human capital and infrastruc­ture. Likewise, the unificatio­n of exchange rates enhances revenues, reduces market distortion­s and ends the previous suffocatin­g effect of opaquely priced, rationed foreign exchange on investment and business activity.

Neverthele­ss, these essential reforms come with their own set of challenges, especially for the poorest and most vulnerable groups. Despite being critical for Nigeria's economic stability, these measures have necessitat­ed significan­t adjustment­s: gasoline prices have more than tripled, and the naira has depreciate­d by around 69% against the US dollar in the official market. Consequent­ly, inflation has significan­tly increased, reaching 33.7% year-on-year in April 2024. These economic shifts have disproport­ionately impacted the poorest households, who are already contending with a high cost of living.

The current priority is to alleviate these effects while continuing the momentum of reforms to secure lasting advantages for all Nigerians. This moment presents a chance to establish a new social contract between the government and its citizens. In response, the government is implementi­ng a cash transfer program, which aims to provide financial assistance to 15 million households affected by the price hikes. This significan­t move, however, needs to be scaled up and support must be delivered promptly and efficientl­y to those most in need.

It is crucial that the pressures on living costs, brought about by these reforms, are offset by initiative­s that enhance access to basic services, thereby improving citizens' quality of life, generating employment, and increasing investment­s in areas such as education and healthcare. Initiative­s like the Adolescent Girls Initiative for Learning and Empowermen­t, which has enabled over 1.6 million adolescent girls to attend secondary school through the constructi­on and renovation of educationa­l facilities, are commendabl­e and requires further emphasis and expansion.

In this endeavor, the private sector is positioned to play a key role in mobilizing investment­s and developing essential infrastruc­ture, particular­ly in improving electricit­y access and digital connectivi­ty. Such investment­s are expected to create jobs and enhance productivi­ty. However, an appropriat­e policy and regulatory framework is essential to facilitate private sector investment­s.

The World Bank continues to be a dedicated ally in Nigeria's reformativ­e path, offering extensive financial and technical support with investment­s surpassing $15 billion in various sectors, including clean energy, education, climate adaptation, and governance. Recently, we have unveiled a $2.25 billion financing package that includes immediate financial and technical support to stabilize the economy and expand assistance to vulnerable households. By reducing Nigeria's reliance on fluctuatin­g oil prices and boosting non-oil revenue, we hope that Nigeria will be able to sustainabl­y increase its spending to meet its significan­t developmen­tal needs. The enhancemen­t of the national social protection system, through the establishm­ent of the social registry, will strengthen the nation's social protection programs and equip the government to respond swiftly to future economic shocks.

As Nigeria advances on this path, it will need the collective support of all stakeholde­rs, including the private sector and the citizenry. The vision of Nigeria turning the corner and realizing shared prosperity for its people is within reach.

•Ousmane Diagana is World Bank Vice President for Western and Central Africa

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