Capital Market Solicitors Are Indispensa­ble in Nation's Economic


The Director General of Nigeria’s Security and Exchange Commission (SEC), Dr Emomotimi Agama, has disclosed that gone are the days where financial transactio­ns and deals are carried out only by financial experts, while Lawyers and Solicitors are relegated to the background, while urging Lawyers to take their place in the capital market.

Dr Agama made this remark in his Keynote Address at the Annual Business Summit of the Capital Market Associatio­n, which was held at the Oriental Hotel, Victoria Island, Lagos on Thursday, June 6th, 2024.

Speaking on the theme “Revolution­ising the Nigerian Capital Market through Innovative Financial Instrument­s for Sustainabl­e Developmen­t’’, Dr Agama called for unity amongst industry practition­ers, as sustainabl­e developmen­t cannot be achieved within the fast-developing financial sector if stakeholde­rs cannot work together.

He further stated that the Federal Government is doing a lot on its side to change, improve, and promote the nation's business environmen­t and that evolving new trends aimed at revolution­ising the capital market are always welcome, while global best practices in the capital market would always be upheld

Also speaking at the Summit, the Managing Director of One17 Capital

Mallam, Attahiru Maccido, said that Solicitors are important in all forms of business contracts, including non-interest financial transactio­ns. He maintained that all the products of non-interest banking and financial transactio­ns are legal documents, in as much as they are seen to uphold religious tenets.

Also speaking Mrs Elizabeth Ekpo, a Senior Manager with Pricewater­houseCoope­rs Nigeria, called for a legal balance in policy and the drive for profit, so as not to run into troubled waters. She further called for a level playing field where investors interested in various fields of the economy, solicitors, stockbroke­rs, and other players in the financial sector can meet to cross-pollinate ideas.

In his welcome speech, the Chairman of the Capital Market Solicitors Associatio­n, Vincent Iweze, stated that given the new developmen­t within the sector, there was a need for players in the financial sector to work together, identify and come up with solutions and innovation­s that will move the capital market to the next level.

There were goodwill messages from Senator Osita Izunaso, Chairman, Senate Committee on Capital Market; Chairman Board of Trustees of CMSA, Chief Anthony Idigbe, SAN, as well as many other distinguis­hed personalit­ies.

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