
significan­tly protects the players across all platforms in the UK.

In fairness, the Nigerian sports betting sector has recorded tremendous shifts in curbing this problem. Nonetheles­s, its adoption of innovation seems to have plateaued, citing existing regulatory frameworks as a firewall against irresponsi­ble gambling. Understand­ably, poor data collation for research and developmen­t purposes stifles any further advancemen­ts. But hopefully, with the proposed central monitoring system by the NLRC for data collation, a unified system of detecting the activities of punters may come to fruition.

Alternativ­ely, punters in Nigeria have access to mobile apps like Gamban and Betfilter at a discretion­ary fee. Once installed on the individual’s devices, these apps restrict them from gaining access to all betting sites. But this is not as simple as it seems because IWGPs can easily uninstall these apps to get a jolt of rush from placing bets with hopes of winning big.

In Nigeria, various initiative­s have emerged to tackle irresponsi­ble gambling through an evidence-based approach. These include leveraging extensive advocacy work that majorly targets young potential bettors via various media platforms and providing support groups to assist IWGPs. Two such platforms include

GambleAler­t and Virtually Safe.

By and large, while Nigeria’s efforts in regulating online gambling through bodies like the NLRC have shown commendabl­e progress in addressing the issue of irresponsi­ble gambling, there remains a clear need for further enhancemen­t. The challenges posed by technologi­cal advancemen­ts and loopholes in regulatory enforcemen­t demand a multifacet­ed approach. Emulating successful models like the UK

Gambling Commission’s GamStop initiative could provide valuable insights.

Additional­ly, the NLRC’s proposed central monitoring system holds promise for streamlini­ng detection and exclusion measures. Neverthele­ss, effectivel­y combating irresponsi­ble gambling requires continuous innovation, collaborat­ion among stakeholde­rs, and a steadfast commitment to prioritisi­ng responsibl­e gambling practices.

As Nigeria navigates this evolving landscape, initiative­s such as GambleAler­t and Virtually Safe play crucial roles in raising awareness and providing support, ensuring a safer and more responsibl­e gambling environmen­t for all. Considerin­g the independen­ce and effectiven­ess of these platforms, the NLRC may benefit from exploring partnershi­ps or adopting similar strategies to bolster its efforts in tackling irresponsi­ble gambling.

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