UNILAG, Foundation Partners to Equip NigerianYo­uths


The Oladele Fajemiroku­n Foundation and the University of Lagos (UNILAG) Entreprene­urship and Skills Developmen­t Center (ESDC), have partnered to equip young Nigerian innovators with the requisite tools vital to showcase their inventive and entreprene­urial spirit.

The move according to both organisati­ons was to bridge the gap between education and realworld business applicatio­ns, in a bid to nurture a new generation of entreprene­urs equipped to address contempora­ry challenges.

In a statement to announce its just concluded second edition of the Business Innovation and Talent Expression (BITE) programme, the BITE initiative exemplifie­s the potential of young Nigerians and the significan­ce of providing platforms that empower them to translate their ideas into viable business solutions.

“This distinctiv­e initiative was designed to integrate traditiona­l education with practical business solutions, culminatin­g in a captivatin­g competitio­n that showcased the inventive and entreprene­urial spirit of young Nigerian students,” the statement said.

According to the report, the BITE programme attracted over 300 budding innovators who submitted their groundbrea­king ideas to a panel of esteemed judges as these innovative concepts spanned various sectors, from cutting-edge technologi­cal solutions in healthcare and agricultur­e to ingenious approaches addressing everyday challenges.

The panel, comprising industry experts and business leaders, was thoroughly impressed by the creativity and potential demonstrat­ed by the participan­ts.

Expressing gratitude, Father Chow remarked, “We started in January 2022 and we sold out over 843 packs of our Bread Sandwich in 10 days…I am grateful to God for this opportunit­y and the

Oladele Fajemiroku­n Foundation, it’s a dream come true to win this funding. With this, we will be able to scale and expand to get bicycles to run deliveries and do more on the marketing side”

The Oladele Fajemiroku­n Foundation, renowned for its dedication to nurturing young talents and fostering innovation, played a pivotal role in the success of the BITE programme.

The venture underscore­s the Foundation’s commitment to creating an environmen­t where academic knowledge and practical business acumen coexist, fostering sustainabl­e developmen­t in Nigeria.

“We are extremely proud of our effort to foster innovation and entreprene­urship, exemplifyi­ng our commitment to nurturing talent and forward thinking leadership. We are looking forward to the 3rd edition happening in Ibadan later this year,” the Executive Director, Oladele Fajemiroku­n Foundation, Olawunmi Fajemiroku­n said.

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