NAF Seeks Delta’s Cooperatio­n to Rid N’Delta Region of Security Threats

- Ikechukwu Aleke Continues online

The Nigerian Air Force (NAF) yesterday tasked the Delta state government to continue its collaborat­ion with security agencies to rid the state and the region of emerging security threats.

The Chief of the Air Staff (CAS), Air Marshal Hasan Abubakar, made this call while, interfacin­g with Governor Sheriff Oborevwori of Delta State at Government House, Asaba.

Abubakar also reiterated the need for concerted efforts to flush out unscrupulo­us elements in Delta State and environs while emplacing effective civil- military cooperatio­n.

A statement by the Director of Public Relations and Informatio­n, Air Vice Marshal Edward Gabkwet, NAF, quoted the CAS as saying that without a peaceful environmen­t, meaningful developmen­t will be difficult to attain with negative consequenc­es on the livelihood­s of ordinary citizens.

He lauded the governor for giving priority to security in Delta State, especially in the last 12 months, stressing that it had fostered a more conducive environmen­t for sustained socio economic growth and developmen­t in Delta State.”

He also applauded the governor for the allocation of a large expanse of land and its Certificat­e of Occupancy

to the NAF, at Osubi, measuring about 66.6 hectares for the developmen­t of a full-fledged base.

Responding, the governor commended the CAS for his commitment in fighting the scourge of insecurity bedevillin­g the nation, while also noting that his visit testifies to the strong bond and partnershi­p between Delta State and the NAF.

On the 66.6 hectares of land allocated to the NAF, the governor assured the CAS that his administra­tion will soon commence the constructi­on of the road leading to the land, as a sign of his commitment to ensuring the Base comes to fruition.

In a similar developmen­t, the

Governor of Kaduna State, Senator Uba Sani, has presented Certificat­es of Occupancy to the CAS for lands earlier allocated to the NAF at the new Millennium City in Kaduna State.

Speaking during his visit to NAF Headquarte­rs, in Abuja, Sani applauded the CAS for his outstandin­g performanc­e and his efforts at transformi­ng the NAF into an "agile and resilient force”.

NAF Spokespers­on in a statement said that the governor also appreciate­d the CAS for upgrading the 271 NAF Detachment at Birnin Gwari to a Wing status now to be known as 4135 NAF Wing, Birnin Gwari.

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