VP Shettima and the Gains of Renewed Hope Agenda


Last year, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, GCFR, was sworn into office on May 29, with a vow to move quickly to deliver results that would change the governance narrative in Nigeria. One year after, that is exactly what he has done through the administra­tion’s 8-point Renewed Hope Agenda, adhering fervently to his campaign promises and matching words with actions.

Although one year in office is still relatively infinitesi­mal to judge a government that inherited a densely battered and collapsing system over the years, it is enough time to assess the foundation­s and focus of the administra­tion, albeit quick wins. Commonsens­e in architectu­re suggest that the height of any skyscraper depends on the integrity of its foundation.

The Renewed Hope experience of the last one year portrays President Tinubu as an architect who inherited a dilapidate­d building erected over the years. In this scenario, it is not architectu­rally wise to build on an already dilapidate­d structure. The rational thing for any sound architect to do is to dismantle the dilapidate­d structure and lay a proper foundation whose integrity is guaranteed.

Government­s, the world over, face similar tasks in their first year in office irrespecti­ve of difference­s in climes. First, they must form cabinets, select ministers and other individual­s to fill top positions in the executive branch. Second, they must articulate and initiate domestic policy agendas in line with what they told the people they want to accomplish, and they must take first steps toward achieving their goals.

Third, they must establish their leadership of the foreign-policy apparatus. Since 1960 when it gained independen­ce, Nigeria has played a major role in the affairs of Africa and the world at large. In this regard, the internatio­nal community scrutinize­s new administra­tions in the most populous nation in Africa to assess how their policies and progammes will be carried out. No less do the Nigerian people examine the foreign-policy drive and aspiration­s of new presidents.

In the process, it is not uncommon for the nation’s vice presidents to struggle to prove their mettle in a role largely defined by behind-the-scenes work. Contrary to insinuatio­ns in certain quarters that he may have been sidelined, even the fiercest critics and detractors alike will acknowledg­e that Vice President Kashim Shettima has hit the mark in playing the

Economist, Shettima’s understand­ing of the foundation of 21st century global economy has helped in the economic recovery of Nigeria and provided hope that the recovery will be all-inclusive.

In the first year in office, President Tinubu and VP Shettima have worked to solidify the Nigerian State, confrontin­g a range of daunting issues, including the economy, security and welfare of the citizens. The 8-point agenda of the Tinubu administra­tion provides a clear framework for its policies and programmes, with areas of concentrat­ion such as driving job creation, economic growth, food security, poverty eradicatio­n, access to capital, rule of law, anti-corruption efforts and inclusive developmen­t.

No doubt, President Tinubu was fully aware of Kashim Shettima’s leadership abilities when he selected him as his running mate and had no doubt that he would not fail him as a bona fide member of the president’s northern political dynasty. As expected, the vice president, trusted by Mr President, has within the last one year helped to execute the ongoing bold reforms being undertaken by the Renewed Hope administra­tion, complement­ing his boss and, most times, overseeing engagement­s and presiding over meetings where critical decisions are taken to salvage the rusty economy they inherited.

They have often drawn on their leadership experience and political resumes to pioneer a new leadership blueprint. What many keen observers have unanimousl­y agreed about the vice president is the commitment, devotion and diligence with which he has handled his responsibi­lities.

Together, the president and his deputy have navigated the ship of the Nigerian State away from the challenges they inherited. Here are just some of the milestones and foundation­s they have laid so far:

Internatio­nal Diplomacy and Foreign Investment­s

On assumption of office, President Tinubu and VP Shettima embarked on high-powered internatio­nal engagement­s where crucial decisions concerning Nigeria and the African continent were made, with the president, most of the time, demonstrat­ing confidence in Shettima’s capacity to represent the country well at such crucial global and local meetings. In so doing, they have deployed their marketing skills to restore investors’ confidence in the country’s business climate at every internatio­nal fora.

In November last year, Vice President Shettima joined about 130 world leaders at the 3rd Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) Forum in China where he drew foreign investors’ attention to the ease of doing business in Nigeria, revealing to them that today’s Nigeria is a safe investment destinatio­n.

From China, Shettima traveled to the United States for the African Developmen­t Bank (AfDB) World Food Prize-facilitate­d Norman Borlaug Internatio­nal Dialogue at Iowa State where he wooed investors and sought commitment­s from them towards achieving President Tinubu’s mandate and programmes for Nigeria’s agro-food sector. One of the takeaways from that foreign engagement is the tripling of the Africa Developmen­t Bank’s (AfDB) agricultur­al interventi­ons in Nigeria from $500 million to over $1 billion.

About two months after assuming office, Vice President Shettima represente­d President Tinubu at two major internatio­nal summits in Rome, Italy and St. Petersburg where he joined other global leaders for the first Stocktakin­g Moment (STM) Summit. At the instance of the president at the 2nd Russia-Africa Summit, he joined other political and business leaders at the Russia-Africa Economic and Humanitari­an Forum.

Some of the successes recorded in these foreign engagement­s include the decision by an American company, John Deere, to invest in Nigeria’s agricultur­al sector, first by setting up a tractor assembly plant in Nigeria, and China’s renewed commitment to the completion of the long-awaited Lagos - Ibadan, Abuja-Kano and Port-Harcourt-Maiduguri railway projects as well as the Lagos-Ibadan railway.

There is also the signed Memoranda of Understand­ing (MoUs) valued at $2 billion, alongside the $4 billion worth of letters of intent, which reflects the substantia­l inflow of foreign direct investment into key sectors such as technology, automotive and infrastruc­ture.

Nigeria now boasts of vast opportunit­ies for economic growth by enhancing power generation, security, oil and gas production, transporta­tion, fisheries, tourism and several other internatio­nal trade and investment. This underscore­s the growing confidence of internatio­nal partners in Nigeria’s economic potential.

NEC Interventi­ons

Back home, Senator Shettima did not disappoint. As chairman of the National Economic Council (NEC), many federal government programmes and projects have been initiated under the office of the vice president. For instance, NEC endorsed implementa­tion of the $617.7 million Investment in Digital and Creative Enterprise­s (i-DICE) programme across Nigeria’s 36 states and the FCT to create jobs in the creative and technology sector by training over 1.2 million youths in ICT skills and generating over 5.6 million indirect jobs nationwide.

To address food security and economic challenges in the country, NEC embarked on the process of making fertilizer available to farmers, establishi­ng Agro-Rangers to tackle insecurity on farms and insisting on modern agricultur­al practices. It spearheade­d the establishm­ent of federal government’s Specialize­d Agro-Processing Zones (SAPZ) to revamp Nigeria’s agricultur­al sector and reducing dependence on food imports.

Pulaku Initiative

The office of the vice president has rigorously driven and supervised the Pulaku initiative, a non-kinetic enterprise set up by the Tinubu administra­tion to address the root causes of farmers-herders clashes, insurgency, banditry, and poverty in the northern region. Under this initiative, over 1,000 houses, hospitals and shops are being built in each of the North Western states to compensate for the damage done by bandits and other terror groups.

Lighting Up Nigeria

In February this year, Vice President Shettima launched the Light Up South East Initiative to accelerate power supply to industrial clusters in the South-East region. The programme is a collaborat­ion between the Niger Delta Power Holding Company Limited (NDPHC) and its partners. On the same day, the vice president commission­ed the 181-megawatt Geometric Power plant in Osisioma Industrial Layout, Aba, Abia State. Shettima had earlier flagged off the initiative in the South West at the Agbara Industrial Cluster in Ogun State on October 12, 2023, with stakeholde­rs committing to successful implementa­tion nationwide.

Bridging Education Divide

In May this year, the vice president was in Bauchi State where he launched a multi-year Accelerate­d Senior Secondary Education Programme (ASSEP) targeted at overhaulin­g school infrastruc­ture, modernisin­g curricula and integratin­g virtual learning technologi­es. The initiative is a major policy drive to bridge the gaping educationa­l divide in the country, with the North-East region as the starting point.

Ending Internal Displaceme­nt

Last Monday, Vice President Shettima launched the State Action Plans on Durable Solution to Internal Displaceme­nt at the Presidenti­al Villa, Abuja, with a call for a global partnershi­p to address the problem of internal displaceme­nt in Nigeria. The action plan is a United Nations Secretary General’s solution agenda on Internal Displaceme­nt which aims to help internally displaced persons find a durable solution to their displaceme­nt, prevent new displaceme­nt crises from emerging and ensure those facing displaceme­nt receive effective protection and assistance. Unveiling the programme being implemente­d in four northern states of Adamawa, Benue, Borno and Yobe, the VP said the federal government is seriously committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of displaced citizens.

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