Business Council Calls for Stronger Ties with Ukraine

- Michael Olugbode ÓØ ÌßÔË

The President of the NigeriaUkr­aine Business Council, Mr. Ben Gbade Ojo has called on the federal government to develop stronger ties with the Republic of Ukraine in order to resuscitat­e Nigeria’s ailing economy.

In a chat with newsmen in Abuja, Ojo said, “Despite the ongoing war in eastern Ukraine, Ukraine still has the capability to help Nigeria achieve Nigeria’s national aspiration­s,” stressing that while Nigeria is presently troubled from many fronts, “deepening economic cooperatio­n with Ukraine will help Nigeria to effectivel­y revamp her dwindling economic fortunes and drasticall­y curtail her increasing social and security challenges.”

He noted that Ukraine can help Nigeria to end Nigeria’s electric power supply problems, stating that: “Ukraine is independen­t in its electricit­y supply, and exports electricit­y to other countries of Eastern Europe. With the endemic epileptic power supply in Nigeria and its consequent negative impact on the nation’s economy, Ukraine has a lot to offer Nigeria to enable Nigeria grow her electric power and renewable energy technologi­es. The electric power sector is a massive sector that has many segments that offer very profitable business opportunit­ies and national economic growth.

“Like Ukraine, Nigeria can grow her electric power sector, export electric power and be the electric power business hub in at least, West Africa. Coupled with the ongoing promotion of electric vehicles, clean and renewable energy technologi­es, the electric power sector is a massive sector that has many segments that offer very profitable business opportunit­ies and national economic growth.”

Ojo added, “Ukraine is one of the developed nations in the world and has a lot of opportunit­ies in virtually every sector. Ukraine is a global leader in the manufactur­ing of many industrial products and agricultur­al produce. There are multiple sectors and sub-sectors that offer vast opportunit­ies for cooperatio­n and growth for Nigeria and Ukraine”.

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