Carnival Calabar 2024 Promises Unparallel­ed Opportunit­ies for Partners


The 20th edition of the renowned Carnival Calabar is set to offer sponsors an unpreceden­ted level of exposure and engagement, according to the event’s organisers.

Speaking at a press conference in Lagos recently, Special Adviser to the Governor of Cross River State on Event Management and Chairman of the Carnival Committee, Effiong Ekpenyong, revealed that this year’s edition has been infused with diverse activities to make it more captivatin­g and rewarding for partners and attendees alike.

Ekpenyong emphasised that the carnival has grown significan­tly since its inception, with a substantia­l increase in viewership and global reach.

“We started with DSTV showing our event for one day, but now we have seven days of coverage, reaching over 40 countries and attracting more than 50 million viewers. Our mileage is second to none, and we assure sponsors that partnering with us will be a decision they won’t regret”, he said. The theme for this year’s carnival, “Our Shared Prosperity”, reflects the event’s focus on unity, love, and community empowermen­t. Chairman of the Cross River State Carnival Commission, Gabe Onah, highlighte­d the significan­ce of the theme, stating that it represents the state’s commitment to sharing peace, love, and prosperity with visitors from around the world.

Onah emphasised that the Carnival Calabar has endured for two decades due to the government’s and community’s dedication. He identified the three sustainabl­e pillars of the carnival as the product, community, and stakeholde­rs, stressing the importance of love and ownership in driving the event’s success.

The Chief Executive Officer of the marketing firm for Carnival Calabar, Okhma, Mary EphraimEgb­as, expressed gratitude to the state government for the opportunit­y to market the event.

She emphasised the theme of “shared prosperity” and the aim to share value, love, and gratitude with partners and attendees. She acknowledg­ed the support of partners like FirstBank, Fidelity Bank, Sterling Bank, and GAC Motors, and welcomed new partners to join the “shared prosperity” story.

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