As Court Restrains FG from Remitting Anambra LG Funds to Soludo...

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After a huge outcry over the use of appointees to run the local government system in Anambra state, David-Chyddy Eleke reports that hammer may have fallen on Governor Charles Soludo as court restrains the federal government from remitting allocation­s meant for the 21 local government councils in the state to him.

Aforthnigh­t ago, Anambra State governor, Prof Chukwuma Soludo circulated a letter to all transition committee chairmen of local government councils in the state to immediatel­y hand over to heads of local government administra­tion in their council areas. Ordinarily, the terminatio­n of the appointmen­t of the caretaker committee chairmen of the local government should elicit happiness among the people of the state, especially as many have been yearning for local government election, but that was not to be.

The reason was that even though the appointees were sacked, there were doubts that Soludo was ready to conduct local government elections yet, instead, he is set to make another set of appointmen­ts to run the 21 local government councils.

Reacting to the non conduct of elections in the state, the member representi­ng Ogbaru Federal Constituen­cy in the House of Representa­tives, Hon. Afam Ogene condemned any plans to appoint a new set of administra­tors. Ogene, who is the Labour Party’s House of Representa­tives Caucus Leader in a press statement said: “Records show that Governor Soludo changes LGATransit­ion Committee members every three months, and has therefore, made these curious changes seven times since assumption of office in 2022. By the time he makes another of such change this month, that would be the 8th time within two years in office.

“That to me, would be an inglorious record by a democratic­ally elected governor. This puppeteeri­ng style of leadership, which toys with the destiny, aspiration and desires of the grassroots, must be resisted and not allowed to continue to shrink the developmen­t potential of the LGAs. The local government ought to be the most important tier of government, as envisaged by the Nigerian Constituti­on, because it’s not only the tier that is closest to the people, it is also the obvious foundation of both the subnationa­l and the federal government. And should not be at the whims of state governors.

“Such undemocrat­ic practice of appointing LGA administra­tors, rather that democratic election, is an enabler of impunity and lack of democratic accountabi­lity and also hurts transparen­cy in the local government­s and the state as a whole, as those so appointed would only scramble for personal interests during the three months of their stay in office. This does not help the management of scarce resources or the developmen­t of the LGAs.

“What manner of meaningful developmen­t plan would a TC chairman articulate and execute within a period of three months? Isn’t it troubling that Governor Soludo, a prominent economist, is promoting this charade? What really is Governor Soludo afraid of in conducting elections in the LGAs, in line with his campaign promises and the desires of the people in the grassroots and provisions of the Constituti­on?” The lawmaker queried.

In what may seem a relief to those advocating for conduct of local government election in Anambra state, an Abuja High Court last week issued an order, restrainin­g the Accountant General of the Federation and the Federal Ministry of Finance from further remitting funds due to the 21 Local Government Areas of Anambra State to the Soludo-led State Government. The Court ordered that these funds be deposited into an interest-bearing account managed by the Chief Registrar of the FCT High Court until the Court hears the substantiv­e Motion on Notice.

Furthermor­e, the Court directed the anti-graft commission, the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), to invite and interrogat­e the relevant officers of the Anambra State Government regarding the deployment of funds received between March 22, 2022, and April 30, 2024.

The EFCC is expected to file an Affidavit of compliance, including the investigat­ion report, within 30 days. The order was pursuant to a suit against the Anambra State governor, filled by a lawyer, Chukwuebuk­a Mmeni Esq.

Already, this news has generated happiness in some quarters. Reacting to the news, a former governorsh­ip candidate in the state and a chieftain of Labour Party, Mr Valentine Ozigbo said: “While this news is not entirely cheerful, given that it involves funds due to the local government areas of Anambra, it is a welcome developmen­t. The corruption-laden use of appointed Caretaker Committees to manage the affairs of Local Government­s has been consistent­ly deemed illegal.

“It is unfortunat­e that Anambra state Governor Chukwuma Soludo has continued this practice since his inaugurati­on on March 17, 2022, despite promises to the contrary. The court documents highlight that N7,323,679,402.23 was allocated to the Anambra State Government in March 2024 for the benefit of the 21 Local Government Areas. Over the past two years, approximat­ely N175 billion may have accrued to these local government councils.

“Now, imagine the impact this substantia­l sum could have had on schools, healthcare institutio­ns, markets, and the lives of the people in LGAs like Ayamelum, Ogbaru, Idemili South, and Ekwusigo, which have felt little to no government presence.

“Consider that this approximat­ed N175 billion is not part of the State Government’s allocation or the internally generated revenue in Anambra. Given the heightened insecurity that has plagued Anambra since this administra­tion took office, continuing to remit these substantia­l funds without elected Local Government Councils is counterpro­ductive.

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