NDDC: We are Delivering on Regional Projects, Set to Complete Abandoned Legacy Infrastruc­ture

- Blessing Ibunge in Port

The Managing Director of the Niger Delta Developmen­t Commission (NDDC), Dr Samuel Ogbuku, yesterday said that the commission was committed to delivering on projects in the Niger Delta region.

Ogbuku stated that President Bola Tinubu, had charged the Commission to complete and inaugurate signature projects that would impact the lives of Niger Delta people.

The chief executive officer of the NDDC made the assertion through a virtual presentati­on at the commission’s region-wide media engagement, in Port Harcourt, Rivers state.

Speaking on the ongoing projects in the region, he said that the recent inaugurati­on of five mega projects in Abia, Edo, Ondo, Bayelsa and Akwa Ibom states was a testimony of the new passion with which the commission was delivering on its mandate.

Ogbuku stated that the NDDC had so far inaugurate­d the 132/33kv electricit­y sub-station at Ode-Erinje in Okitipupa Local Government Area of Ondo State, to light up five local government areas in the state, as well as the 25.7-kilometre Ogbia-Nembe Road in Bayelsa State, which it executed in partnershi­p with Shell Petroleum Developmen­t Company (SPDC).

Taking the media executives on a virtual tour of NDDC projects, the Executive Director Projects, Victor Antia, listed other numerous projects delivered by the commission, saying that the commission was determined to change the look of the region in space of some years.

Meanwhile, Ogbuku has assured that he will complete all legacy and people-oriented projects in the region irrespecti­ve of who initiated the project.

Ogbuku made the pledge yesterday, at a capacity building and sensitisat­ion programme on due process compliance and anticorrup­tion standard.

The NDDC boss represente­d by the Executive Director, Projects, Antai, said he was poised to change the wrong narratives and move NDDC from transactio­n to transforma­tion that has zero tolerance for graft.

He noted that government is a continuum where everybody has performed within the ambit of his or her capabiliti­es, adding that his administra­tion will complete all projects that have direct impacts on the people.

"It is imperative that under Samuel Ogbuku's regime, he has decided that irrespecti­ve of who initiated the project, so far as the project has direct bearing to the betterment of the people of Niger Delta, he would complete them," he stated.

The Acting Director of Dispute and Conflict Resolution at NDDC, Mr. Godwin Ogedegbe, said the programme was imperative to look into the synergy and collective actions, which are aimed at confrontin­g bribery and corruption in the discharge of their duties.

"We are working in synergy with the anti-graft agencies, Code of Conduct Bureau; they are here to lecture us and teach us of what is expected of us as staff. So, when we are carrying out our duties in the office, we will not be found culpable," he added.

In another developmen­t, Ogbuku said that the Commission was committed to eradicate malaria across the Niger Delta region.

Ogbuku disclosed this during a medical outreach to commemorat­e world malaria day 2024, organised by the Commission in Umuaka Obehi, Ukwa West Local Government Area, Abia to tackle the effect of malaria in rural communitie­s.

Ogbuku, represente­d by Mr. Obia Ahamefuna, Head Education, Health and Social Service, Abia, said that the sensitisat­ion programme was in line with the mandate of the commission across the nine Niger Delta states.

He said that the sensitisat­ion programme was to create awareness to the rural communitie­s on the measures put in place to prevent malaria.

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