FG Moves to Improve Procuremen­t Practices in Health Sector

- Onyebuchi Ezigbo

The federal government yesterday commenced measures to ensure efficiency and reliabilit­y of health supplies procuremen­t across Nigeria.

It said that it is committed to enhancing health procuremen­t systems as part of strategies to improve healthcare service delivery in the country.

Speaking at the one-day technical workshop jointly organised by the Bureau of Public Procuremen­t (BPP) and the Health Procuremen­t Africa - CIPS , UK in Abuja, the Director General of BPP, Mamman Ahmadu said the government was pushing for a pooled unified procuremen­t initiative which will play pivotal role in strengthen­ing the country's healthcare system.

Addressing participan­ts at the workshop, Ahmadu said that a unified effort was needed to ensure .the success of the pooled procuremen­t systems.

He said that BPP had in recent times implemente­d several strategic initiative­s to bolster national procuremen­t systems.

"These initiative­s are designed to address existing challenges and create more robust, efficient and transparen­t procuremen­t process," he said.

Among the strategies being implemente­d under the initiative, include; setting up of e-procuremen­t platforms, strengthen­ing of regulatory oversight, capacity building and profession­al developmen­t.

Other strategies are to enhance stakeholde­r engagement and management as well as commitment to sustainabl­e practices.

In his remarks, the Coordinati­ng Minister of Health and Social Welfare Prof Muhammad Pate said that one of the cardinal points of the initiative­s when it comes to availabili­ty and affordabil­ity of health products, especially for the vulnerable is group procuremen­t.

" That is why as an organisati­on we felt that we need to key into the agenda of the government. You don’t just wake up and start carrying out procuremen­t. In fact beyond this workshop, what we do is to let procuremen­t profession­als to understand a couple of things that they need to do to help

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