Afreximban­k Delivers Strong Q1 2024 Results, Surpasses Prior Year’s Performanc­e


The African Export-Import Bank (Afreximban­k) has released the consolidat­ed financial statements of the Bank and its subsidiari­es for the three months ended 31 March 2024.

The Group’s results for the period demonstrat­ed yet again great resilience in the face of challengin­g geopolitic­al and macroecono­mic conditions, according to a statement yesterday.

The results showed year-onyear growth and an increase in shareholde­r value.

It revealed that the Bank’s Net Interest Income for Q1 2024 grew by 31.73 per cent to $393.4 million, compared to $298.6 million for the prior year’s comparativ­e period (Q1 2023).

The increase was largely driven by a 40.07 per cent increase in interest income to $721.8 million, on the back of the growth in the bank’s portfolio of loans and advances.

Its net interest margin improved to 4.82 per cent compared to 4.40 per cent in the correspond­ing period due to a combinatio­n of higher benchmark rates and effective management of borrowing costs.

The Group demonstrat­ed an improvemen­t in operating efficiency with a lower cost to income ratio of 14.50 per cent in the review period, compared to 16.82 per cent in the first quarter of 2023. This was achieved despite a 10.63 per cent increase in operating expenses to $61.4 million (Q1 2023: US$55.5 million).

“Staff costs rose by 28.55 per cent year-on-year following an increase in staff headcount to support the growth of group business and other initiative­s, in line with the bank’s Sixth Strategic Plan, constituti­ng 52.93 per cent of Group’s expenses.

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