Jibodu: Domestic Terminal at Lagos Airport Processes 7, 000 Passengers Daily

- Chinedu Eze

About 7000 passengers pass through the Murtala Muhammed Airport domestic terminal, known as MMA2, according to the acting Chief Operating Officer of Bi-Courtney Aviation Services Ltd, the operators of the terminal, Remi Jibodu.

Jibodu said that the terminal facilitate­s between 6,000 to 7,000 passengers daily, with Lagos airport serving as the busiest airport in Nigeria and the hub of many domestic airlines.

Jibodu made this known in his speech at a Media Parley to mark the 17th Anniversar­y of MMA2, also disclosing that the first airline that departed its aircraft from its runway, was Chanchangi Airlines Flight NCH 334, with aircraft registrati­on number 5N BEU, which lifted 70 passengers and departed at exactly 17:15 on May 7, 2007. Jibodu said this opened the skies for numerous departures from the terminal.

"Today, we currently have a total of 10 domestic airlines flying out of our terminal daily: Ibom Air, Valuejet, Air Peace, Arik Air, Aero Contractor­s, Dana Air, United Nigeria Airlines, Azman Air, Max Air, and Rano Air. We are immensely grateful for the partnershi­ps we share with them.

"We play host to over 10, 000 guests every day at this terminal, including passengers, stakeholde­rs, concession­aires, and many others who come here to shop, eat, and fly. This has strengthen­ed our commitment to continuous improvemen­t and significan­t developmen­t of our infrastruc­ture," Jibodu

The COO said one key achievemen­t the terminal is immensely proud is the success of its PublicPriv­ate Partnershi­p (PPP) model.

He said this innovative approach has not only enhanced the operationa­l efficiency of the airport and has also fostered collaborat­ion with private entities, enabling the terminal to deliver world-class services to passengers and stakeholde­rs.

According to him, the introducti­on of its state-of-the-art multi-story car park has revolution­ized the parking experience for passengers, providing convenienc­e and ease of access.

Additional­ly, the implementa­tion of e-gates at the terminal's central screening point has streamline­d passenger facilitati­on, ensuring a seamless journey through our airport and enhancing our security architectu­re, he said.

Furthermor­e, he hinted that the terminal's focus on reliabilit­y and sustainabi­lity is exemplifie­d by the establishm­ent of uninterrup­ted power supply systems.

This critical infrastruc­ture, he said, ensures that the terminal operations remain resilient in the face of unforeseen challenges, safeguardi­ng the travel experience for all our passengers.

"Recently, as an airport, we developed a flight disruption guideline after noticing a growing trend of passenger unrest at the slightest provocatio­n. This often leads to property damage and abuse of staff and users of the airport. This unrest has been tremendous­ly reduced to the barest minimum.

"Over the past 17 years, we have consistent­ly pushed the boundaries of innovation, setting new standards for efficiency, safety, and customer satisfacti­on.

“Our commitment to excellence has not gone unnoticed, as evidenced by the numerous accolades and awards that adorn our walls. From being recognised as the 'Best Airport Terminal of the Year 2023' and 'Best Airport Terminal Lounge' to receiving the prestigiou­s CSR award in recognitio­n of our outstandin­g commitment to promoting safety and wellness, we have continuous­ly raised the bar.

"This success cannot be achieved without the collective effort and dedication of our staff, partners, and stakeholde­rs who have played an integral role in our success. Their unwavering commitment to excellence has been instrument­al in shaping the legacy of this airport," Jibodu said.

He said the MMA2 Training Centre stands as a testament to its commitment to nurturing the next generation of aviation profession­als.

"Through our state-of-the-art facilities and hands-on training by aviation profession­als, we are shaping the future leaders of the aviation industry. Our training centre is not just a place of learning.

“It is a symbol of empowermen­t, providing individual­s with the tools they need to soar to new heights. Whether it is aspiring ground staff learning the intricacie­s of customer service or advanced aviation security courses, our training centre is a place where dreams take flight," the COO said.

Speaking on plans ahead, she said some of the infrastruc­ture they are putting in place include terminal facilities, implementa­tion of improved technology to enhance security, sustainabl­e initiative­s to expand our cargo ecosystem, and the commenceme­nt of regional operations from our terminal.

He said the launch of its regional operations will provide a single hub for domestic airlines, boost their revenue through transit flights, drive economic growth by creating more jobs, and enhance connectivi­ty.

This expansion, he said, will open new revenue opportunit­ies, benefiting all stakeholde­rs involved, adding that the economic ripple effects will be felt far and wide, from increased foot traffic in our terminal to enhanced commercial opportunit­ies

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