LPG Penetratio­n Gets Boost as $25m Triansel Gas Terminal Reaches 90% Completion

- Stories by Peter Uzoho

With project constructi­on now at 90 per cent completion level, the 156,000 metric tons per annum Triansel Gas Limited’s Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) storage terminal in Koko, Delta State, will be inaugurate­d for full operation towards the end of 2024, to further boost domestic penetratio­n of the product in Nigeria.

The $25 million Triansel Gas project is a joint venture between its parent company, Chimons Gas Limited and the Nigeria Content Developmen­t and Monitoring Board (NCDMB) at equity stakes of 59.1 per cent and 40.9 per cent, respective­ly. The local content agency invested $3.4 million in the project.

Providing the status of the project during an exclusive chat with THISDAY, Executive Chairman of Triansel Gas Limited, Mr. Chibuike Achigbu, said the project kicked off in 2021, and has achieved 90 per cent completion as of date.

Achigbu added that other equipment needed to complete the facility have all been imported and on ground for installati­on.

He explained that the project was conceived to enhance LPG penetratio­n in the country on the back of the rising cooking gas consumptio­n, which has exceeded 1.2 million MT, amid the challenge of inadequate storage facilities and refilling plants in the country.

Achigbu stated: “This strategic partnershi­p with the NCDMB is currently making remarkable strides in the constructi­on of a cuttingedg­e LPG storage terminal in Koko, Delta State. Constructi­on had some hitches during the COVID time. Now, we are at 90 per cent completion. By the end of this year, we would be commission­ing it.

“This state-of-the-art LPG terminal will be perfectly equipped to accommodat­e medium-sized vessels, facilitati­ng the handling of an estimated 6000MT per day, 18,0000MT monthly and 156,000MT annually. Furthermor­e, it will serve as a critical storage hub for LPG trucks originatin­g from inland sources. It’s a storage facility. So, vessels will be coming in there. We’ve built the jetty, we’ve done everything.”

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