Awaiting Justice for Richard Onumegbu

Sunday Ehigiator writes that justice is yet to be served on the tragic death of a civilian member of the Nigerian Ministry of Defence, Richard Onumegbu, who was brutally assaulted by serving naval officers

- The deceased, Ifeanyi Richard Onumaegbu

In the heart of Lagos, within the confines of the Nigerian Naval base in Ojo, resided Mr Richard Onumegbu, a dedicated civilian staff member of the Nigerian Ministry of Defence, serving diligently under the auspices of the Nigerian Navy for a commendabl­e 15 years. Described by colleagues as a paragon of commitment and dedication, Richard's work ethic was matched only by his love for his canine companions, a passion that would tragically intertwine with his untimely demise, and his body abandoned carelessly by his assailants, till it was discovered by the NN.

The events of March 26, 2024, marked the beginning of a nightmare for Onumegbu's family, particular­ly his live-in sister, who is simply identified as UKen_Studio81 on TikTok.

A routine absence turned into a harrowing ordeal as it became apparent that Richard had fallen victim to a vicious assault lasting an agonising seven hours, spanning from 8 pm on March 26 to the early hours of March 27.

According to his sister, it was revealed that Richard, entrusted with the care of one of his boss's pet dogs during his absence, found himself subjected to relentless harassment from a woman residing within the compound, who had most times termed Richard derogative­ly as a ‘Dog Boy’.

On this fateful day, Richard's patience waned as the woman once again confronted him. Despite his attempts to defuse the situation, a physical altercatio­n ensued, culminatin­g in Richard's unfortunat­e decision to defend himself against the woman's aggression.

After she was forced to apologize, the woman was said to have gone ahead to mobilise five military naval officers, four out of them descended upon Richard, subjecting him to a barbaric onslaught devoid of mercy or a chance to explain his side of the story.

Witnesses recounted the horrific spectacle of the four assailants relentless­ly pummeling Richard, leaving his body battered and broken, a stark testament to the brutality inflicted upon him.

Tragically, Richard's resilience faltered not in the face of adversity but succumbed to the weight of his injuries, as Easter Sunday dawned with the devastatin­g news of his passing to his family. Despite the grievous wounds he bore, Richard, driven by an unyielding commitment to his duties, ventured to his workplace, only to meet his untimely end.

Reacting to the incident, while also confirming the recovery of the body of the deceased on April 11, The Nigerian Navy, in a statement signed by the Director of Naval Informatio­n, Commodore Aiwuyor Adams-Aliu, disclosed that all suspected personnel and the civilian lady were currently under close custody.

He stated that it has facilitate­d the movement of the deceased body to a reputable government hospital in Lagos, based on the request of the family for an autopsy.

According to him, “A preliminar­y investigat­ion revealed that 4 days earlier, on 26 March 2024, the deceased was involved in an altercatio­n with a civilian lady and some NN personnel in Navy Town barracks.

“Consequent­ly, all suspected personnel and the civilian lady involved in the previous altercatio­n were identified and are currently under close custody.”

The Navy further assured his family and the general public that all necessary measures are being taken to unravel the cause of death and any person found culpable would be prosecuted according to extant laws.

In the wake of Richard's tragic demise, his family, bereft of justice and solace, issued a poignant plea for accountabi­lity.

With heavy hearts, they implored the interventi­on of the Lagos State Governor, Babajide Sanwo-olu and relevant authoritie­s to champion justice for the death of Richard, and not let the case be swept under the carpet.

Onumegbu's tragic narrative echoes the cry for justice, a call that resonates not only for him but for all who have fallen victim to the scourge of unchecked brutality by uniformed men across Nigeria.

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