‘Potential’ Uncountabl­e

- EBERE BY WABARA, 0805500194­8

DAILY Independen­t Online of April 14, with two juvenile blunders, welcomes us this week: “The challenge that this poses is for the states to strive to become stronger, develop their economic potentials (potential or potentiali­ties) and generate sufficient internal revenue to meet their obligation­s.”

“These states and the ones to be created will, therefore, need to get their acts (act) together and build their economies to justify and sustain their existence.”

“…on his 70th birthday anniversar­y (70th Birthday).” For the umpteenth time, ‘birthday’ and ‘anniversar­y’ cannot co-function!

“We Note (unnecessar­y capitaliza­tion) with appreciati­on the various reforms you initiated upon coming to the throne, some of which include, (needless comma) the creation of more districts and higher classes of traditiona­l rulers and the institutio­n of chieftainc­y titles among others.” In the spirit of felicitati­on, delete ‘some of’ and ‘among others’, which are implied.

“Office of the Special Adviser to the President on Inter Party (Inter-Party) Affairs….”

“Office of the Governor: Appeal to my colleagues (colleagues of mine)” Wrong: “On the employ”; right: In the employ. The dailies sometime ago bore headlines stating that Ex-Gov. Murtala Nyako of Adamawa State had been ‘impeached’ instead of ‘removed’. Former President Bill Clinton of the U.S. was impeached (guilty) in 1998 but not removed over the Monica Lewinsky sex affair. ‘Removal’ is the proper word or action resulting from impeachmen­t.

Wrong: “Good in a subject”; right: Good at a subject

THE NATION ON SUNDAY of April 28 comes next with a few misapprehe­nsions: “APC alerts supporters in Osun over (to) ‘Omo Ilu’ form”

Yet another full-page advertoria­l by Oyo State Government endorsed by….: “You have also not wavered in ensuring good governance and a society that is free for everybody to attain their potentials (sic)….” Correction already harvested!

“Imo, Bethel Amadi and Pan African (Pan-Africa) Parliament” “He said people have (had) forgotten….” Still on full-page advertoria­ls: “With Joy (otiose capital letter) in our hearts, I am (we are) grateful to God for sparing the lives of Amiable Royal Father (what is this obsession with capitaliza­tion?)” (This was signed by Hon. John…and family) Get it right: the life of our (take note of this missing word) amiable royal father

Last but not least on full-page advertoria­ls. This one is from Ogun State: “Every facet of our national life has an unmistakab­le Kongi imprints (imprint).”

“These two incidents which occurred within a week, (sic) mirrors the society.” Needless delaying the trip, you can readily see the discord. I have not finished with my friends from Uyo.

“With these turn of events, some people are tempted to go for wealth at all means.” This way: With this turn of events…. Furthermor­e, I would prefer ‘at all costs’ or ‘by all means’.

“The activities of these robbers is also taking its toll on traders.” For goodness’ sake, how can ‘activities’ take ‘is’ and ‘its’? The basic rules of any language are emphatic on subject-verb agreement and concord between antecedent­s and subsequent pronouns.

“Above all, the military and other law enforcemen­t (sic) agencies should deemphasiz­e their role in the economy and politics and concentrat­e on their traditiona­l duties—the protection of the citizens of this country against internal and external crimes.” This is lexical deception! I know that law-enforcemen­t agencies in this country do not protect us against criminals; not against crimes. It is the perpetrati­on of a crime that gives a headache—not the crime itself. ‘Internal and external crimes’ sounds odd.

“In our yester-years’ (yesteryear) republics, indecent incidents in our National Assembly wherein legislator­s broke the mace, the symbol of democracy, and challenged themselves to duels in the fashion of profession­al pugilists are still fresh in our memories.” People can’t ‘challenge themselves to duels’, but can challenge one another….

“UNIBEN Alumni meets (meet)” This kind of error borders on carelessne­ss.

“The PDP has expressed serious concern at the fire outbreak, describing it as suspicious.” Just delete ‘outbreak’ on grounds of redundancy.

“Nigeria in search for (of) an enduring political structure…”

“NGO sensitises (sensitizes, preferably) girls on (to) engineerin­g, STEM-related activities”

“…or through these number….” EFCC please take note: this number

“We urge that that it will (should) be sustained.”

“For instance, NLC would (should) have opposed land border closure by the immediate past government when it was clear that in Nigeria….”

“Zamfara, C’River, Adamawa, Ogun top cholera cases (case) list”

“Imo agog as APC Flags (sic) off mother of all campaign” Get it right: mother of all campaigns

“Chief Whip stages walk out (walkout) to protest Senate president’s out-of-order ruling”

“The management of the radio station, in a statement (how else?), said his body has (had) been deposited at the Federal Medical Centre….”

“The trustees of Royal Sports Club Internatio­nal, Abuja (another comma) felicitate with (felicitate) you as you mark the Golden (sic) age of 50.” Write right: ‘of 50’ is an overkill!

“13 teams battle for glory as activities build-up (build up)”


PLEASE note that in both American and British English, “debut”, like “author, critique, host, impact, hemorrhage, loan, party, pressure and gum (down),” has been promoted/made a verb – verbalized!

The most amusing oddity of the English language is the word, Money, it is classified as uncountabl­e! But in Constituti­on, Accountanc­y, Banking and Finance, “money” has the plural “moneys” (not “monies”, which is the plural of “money”).

“Date back to” and “date from” are now inflected in the past and in the past participle.

“Common sense” should always be written two separate words when used as a noun (NOT one Word), e.g. use your common sense; and as a hyphenated compound rather than as one word when used adjectival­ly, e.g. common–sense precaution­s; common–sense English.

Note also that, as a grammatica­l rule, “whole” is used with a singular noun while “all” is used with plural nouns, e.g. the whole country; all the people.

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