Adenuga: 71 Years of Unrivalled Philanthro­py, Endless Empowermen­ts

- Gabriel Oguntola Adenuga Oguntola is an online journalist.

One of Africa’s richest men and Chairman of Nigeria’s telecommun­ications Company, Globacom Dr. Michael Adenuga Jr is 71 years old. Happy Birthday to the great philanthro­pist and entreprene­ur par excellence. The quiet billionair­e learnt early from the famous saying of Walt Disney who posited that “The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.”

Adenuga from onset has always been reticent. He does his things quietly and runs his businesses without seeking attention. He transition­ed from running family business, after schooling in the United States to starting his businesses and moving into the top league in Nigeria without noise.

He became a billionair­e in his thirties to the consternat­ion and surprise of Nigerians. Such is the style of the man that has come to be known for his smartness and ingenuity. He is always one step ahead, hence his success across all sectors of the economy.

Today, he plays in all the vital sectors of the nation’s economy. From Banking to Telecoms, Oil and Gas as well others that are not known to the public. He employed thousands of Nigerians, and he empowers many others through endless philanthro­py.

We cannot count the number of Nigerians that has benefitted from Adenuga’s generosity. They are always done quietly, and most times beneficiar­ies are warned not talk about it.

Few years ago, he donated N500 million to Baylesa State after the state was ravaged by flood, he donated N1.5 billion during Covid-19 pandemic to federal government, $1 million was also donated to Super Eagles after winning nations Cup in south Africa to mention a few.

By the age of 50, he founded Globacom while his other companies were founded between early thirties and 40. He became a billionair­e at 35 and by his 51st birthday Dr. Adenuga was already sitting atop what is generally regarded as one of the continent’s largest business empires.

In each of these sectors, Dr. Adenuga has moulded his companies into major players. In the oil and gas sector, for instance, Conoil Producing, the upstream arm of the conglomera­te, made history by becoming the first Nigerian company to strike oil and produce it in commercial quantity. Same was the case when he had two banks, Equatorial Trust Bank and Devcom Merchant Bank that were among top ones in the country.

In telecoms, Globacom remains the most innovative network in Nigeria, with many firsts since it rolled out services in 2003. His investment in real estate is said to be worth over billions of dollars. These companies provide direct employment to thousands of Nigerians and other nationalit­ies.

His contributi­on to the business across the world and endless philanthro­py has been recognized in different countries including Nigeria, where he holds the highest civilian honour of Grand Commander of the Order of the Niger (GCON) and in Ghana, he was awarded the highest civilian honour of Companion of the Star of Ghana (CSG).

French President, Emmanuel Macron, also honoured him with the highest National honour of France, ‘Chavalier de la Legion d Honnuer”. Macron commended Adenuga for his promotion of the French culture in Nigeria where he single-handledly rebuilt the Allance Francaise, Lagos located at the Mike Adenuga Centre Ikoyi. City People magazine, Nigeria’s King of soft –sell in 2022 captured Dr Adenuga lifestyle thus:

He works round the clock. He is always thinking of the next possible business deal. He is always looking for the next deal to close. He was one of the businessme­n who saw the role Data was going to play in our lives and went for a Telecoms license earlier. Today, the rest is history. He is now the Grandmaste­r of Data.

Mike Adenuga is one of the Bigger Boys in the world of business. He knows the Game. He plays the game. He is adept at it. He knows the principle of winning. He has set his own rules. He has his own winning formula, which has worked for him over the last 40 years. Though he is from Ijebu Igbo, he was born and bred in Ibadan. He will always tell all who cares to listen that he is an Ibadan Boy. He is a product of Ibadan Grammar School. He has a breathtaki­ng house in Ibadan. That is where he often stays when he needs to relax or unwind. Many often wonder whether he relaxes or not. Yes. He does.

City People can authoritat­ively reveal that though Mike Adenuga is a great Philanthro­pist and one of the biggest spenders when it comes to helping other people, he does not like the recipients of his largesse to tell the world whatever kind of help he has rendered. Once he touches your life, you are made forever. But the Golden rule for you to keep getting more support from him is for you to keep mum”.

Former President Buhari, few years ago while speaking about Dr. Adenuga on his Birthday said, “Apart from creating jobs through entreprene­urship, Adenuga’s contributi­on to the developmen­t of sports and the entertainm­ent industry had remained remarkable. These sectors of the economy had continued to provide lifelines for many, and inspiring ingenuity and creativity. His exploratio­n and encouragem­ent of youth entreprene­urship in the country would always be remembered, while his penchant for helping the less privileged through scholarshi­ps and healthcare financing deserves more commendati­ons”.

Happy 71st Birthday to Dr. Adenuga!

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