Adedoyin Odunfa: IT Profession­al Empowering Women in Tech Ayodeji Ake


Adedoyin Odunfa, a seasoned IT profession­al with nearly three decades experience is currently Managing Director/CEO of Digital Jewels Ltd. Her remarkable ability to elevate the strategic significan­ce of IT within organisati­ons, coupled with her impactful interventi­ons across the informatio­n value chain have distinguis­hed her from her peers. Her career journey and achievemen­ts serve as a testament to the immense potential that women possess in the tech industry, writes

It is Muriel Strode in his famous quote that advised that, “Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” Adedoyin Odunfa embodies this philosophy in her career. Her name has become synonymous with tech and digitalisa­tion, thanks to initiative­s she steered to elevate IT governance, risk management and compliance practices, making a substantia­l impact on businesses at home and abroad.

Indeed, Odunfa has carved a niche for herself as the Founder and Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer of Digital Jewels Ltd, a prominent IT GRC consulting and capacity-building firm spanning nine African countries, and boasts a stellar delivery track record worthy of emulation.

Odunfa’s valuable interventi­ons across the informatio­n value chain have set her apart from her peers, showcasing her ability to drive innovation and transforma­tion. Her remarkable accomplish­ments have positioned her as a role model for aspiring female profession­als in the tech industry.

The Digital Jewels CEO was recently recognised among Nigeria’s Top 100 Most Inspiratio­nal Women (2021), the Top 50 Women in Cybersecur­ity in Africa (2020), and among the top 20 FINTECH Women in Nigeria (2019). Hence, it is no gainsaying then that Odunfa balances her successful career with evidence.

Her rich background spanning 30 years in consulting and business developmen­t has lured local and global organisati­ons to tap from her knowledge and experience while also bringing other aspiring tech individual­s to transition to the digital space smoothly.

At the Internatio­nal Women’s Day webinar powered by the ISACA Abuja Chapter, Odunfa used the platform to inspire and empower other women to embrace the digital space. Her own success story serves as a testament to the immense potential that women possess in the tech industry.

Through her participat­ion at the conference, Odunfa shared her valuable insights, experience­s, and strategies, encouragin­g other women to confidentl­y navigate the digital landscape and unlock their full potential.

Her efforts were aimed at fostering a more inclusive and diverse tech ecosystem, where women can thrive and contribute to the industry’s growth.

Speaking on the theme of the webinar, “Inspiring Inclusion, Investing in Women to Accelerate Progress: Empowering Women in the Workplace,” as one of the 10 panelists, Odunfa described inclusion as benefiting from diversity and specifical­ly, the focus of IWD is on women.

“There are numerous benefits when you have both male and female profession­als around the table,” she argued. “You get different perspectiv­es, thoughts, and patterns and you’re able to make more meaningful, more value-adding decisions,” highlighti­ng the importance of having women included in every endeavour.

She emphasised: “As a female profession­al, it is also intentiona­l about identifyin­g opportunit­ies for female profession­als and seeing how I can lighten the journey for the next female profession­al and entreprene­ur.” For the Obafemi Awolowo University alumna, it is paramount to always be prepared to work harder than their male counterpar­ts to prove you can add value; hence, profession­al women need to come to terms with that reality.

“Also be organised, especially on the home front,” she recommende­d, reminiscin­g about a term she encountere­d early in her career. “I called it, domestic infrastruc­ture,” she chipped in. “We all need to make sure that our domestic infrastruc­ture is solid and functional.”

From the workplace point of view, Odunfa expressed her desire to add value and impact, gear up to collaborat­e with people, work the extra mile, stretch herself, and make sure she doesn’t lose sight of people on the work front.

“In one of my past career roles, my boss told me we would take a client out for dinner. I called to inform my family. My children were still quite young. So, one of them frowned at it. Regardless, I went but I ensured they were well cared for. Domestic infrastruc­ture is being 100 per cent organised,” she added.

According to Odunfa, leaving an eight-to-five job to start her business 16 years ago was a significan­t career decision.

“The intention was to be an entreprene­ur; and set up a subsidiary that would focus on IT-related consulting. But that didn’t work out and I felt led to just step out and start up digital jobs,” she added.

First, she felt convinced she was on the right track. She also felt it was an opportunit­y to impact Nigeria and Africa - male and female profession­als. “When I stepped out, I took up a crop of young people. We worked assiduousl­y through God’s grace to make it happen,” she conceded.

However, the tech expert warned that, the road won’t be a walk in the park.

“Entreprene­urship and technopren­eurship is a road less travelled so you do have to be prepared. Whatever decision you take, whether it is even staying within your current career, it will not necessaril­y be easy but you must be determined to walk through whatever challenges that you may find yourself in.

“For me, I believe that decision paid off, I believe that 16 years later, we have impacted our space. I’ve had the privilege to take in and groom wonderful profession­als and they are all across the world now. We will continue to collaborat­e. I’ve had the privilege and opportunit­y to impact organisati­ons and strengthen their policies,” she added.

The first panel of discussion included Odunfa and four others - Beamline Scientist and Columnist, UK’s National Science Facility, Dr. Chidinma Okolo; Pioneer Director of Digital Literacy and Capacity Developmen­t NITDA, Amina Sambo; and the Technical Lead and Security Architect, Nigeria Digital for Identifica­tion Developmen­t (ID4D) Project, Chinenye Chizea moderated by Naomi Emma.

Principal Manager, IT Security and Resilient Programmes at CBN, Uchenna Emeka-Obi; Manager of IT Applicatio­ns and Informatio­n Management Specialist at NBPC Ltd, Ejiro Ibuaka; Manager, Enterprise Systems Management at NNPC Ltd, Maryam Kontagora; Associate Professor of Cybersecur­ity, National Open University of Nigeria, Vivian Nwaocha moderated by Mariam Chukwuemek­a.

Certainly, everyone possesses the right to reshape history, and Odunfa is actively inspiring inclusion, and investing

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