JOHESU Demands Presidenti­al Waiver for CONHESS Implementa­tion


Health workers under the umbrella of the Joint Health Sector Union (JOHESU) have demanded a Presidenti­al waiver to pave the way for the implementa­tion of the lingering adjustment of Consolidat­ed Health Salary Structure (CONHESS).

JOHESU's demand was contained in a statement signed by the National Chairman, Dr. Kabiru Ado Minjibir and National Secretary, Martins Egbanubi.

Minjibir, lamented challenges in achieving CONHESS for its members since 2014, even after they met with President Bola Tinubu on June 5, 2023, on the matter, following a health worker strike and received assurances that the issue would be addressed, leading to the strike’s suspension.

Minjibir, said during a courtesy/ working visit to the Coordinati­ng Minister of Health and Social Welfare, Prof. Ali Pate, that the non-actualisat­ion of the promised CONHESS adjustment since 10 years was a major source of concern to the union as it has “instilled restlessne­ss in the value chain of its members and urged the Federal Ministry of Health to intervene to checkmate looming industrial unrest.’’

The union appreciate­d the reassuranc­es of Professor Pate, who promised to activate all the structures connected with the approval process of the adjustment of CONHESS, after jointly reviewing the progress of the new initiative­s in the days ahead to enable it to respond appropriat­ely.

In a communique signed at the inaugural meeting, JOHESU demanded that the minister’s expedite action on the matter immediatel­y. It further decried "the non-payment of arrears from June 2023 to January 2024 as well as the improper arithmetic­al calculatio­ns which did not factor in the basic salaries of beneficiar­ies in working out their taxable allowances.’’

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