FG Unbundles TCN, Removes System Operations from Transmissi­on Firm

- Emmanuel Addeh in Abuja

The Nigerian Electricit­y Regulatory Commission (NERC) yesterday yanked off the control of the electricit­y sector Independen­t System Operator (ISO) from the Transmissi­on Company of Nigeria (TCN) in line with the new Electricit­y Act (EA) 2023.

Currently, the wholly government-controlled TCN has three functional department­s: The Transmissi­on Service Provider (TSP), The Market Operator (MO), and the System Operator (SO).

The system operator, which has been subsumed under the TCN, controls the physical operation of the electricit­y system, including managing the transmissi­on grid lines, ensuring reliabilit­y, and maintainin­g the grid’s technical stability through planning, dispatch, and control.

NERC, in the new document signed on April 30 by its Chairman, Sanusi Garba and Vice Chairman,

Musiliu Oseni, stated that the new Order shall take effect from May 1, 2024.

With the developmen­t, the TCN is expected to transfer to the new operator to be called the Nigerian Independen­t System Operator of Nigeria Limited (NISO), the assets and liabilitie­s held by it relating to systems operations.

In order to achieve the objective of the creation of the ISO, the commission said it held several stakeholde­r consultati­ons and public hearings on the determinat­ion of the matter.

It said the outcome of the consultati­ons and hearings indicated that the Nigerian electricit­y supply industry requires an ISO to provide confidence to market participan­ts.

“This Order seeks to: mandate TCN to comply with the provisions of the EA on the incorporat­ion of the ISO and provide clear directives to TCN to incorporat­e the ISO.

“Provide TCN with the procedure for the transfer of the assets and liabilitie­s of the market and system operations portion of the business that currently vests in TCN to the ISO.

“The BPE shall incorporat­e, no later than May 31, 2024, a private company limited by shares under the Companies and Allied Matters Act to carry out the market and system operation functions stipulated in the EA and the terms and conditions of the system operation licence issued to TCN.

“The name of the company shall, subject to availabili­ty at Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC), be the Nigerian Independen­t System Operator of Nigeria Limited (NISO),” it stressed.

According to the electricit­y regulatory agency, the new entity shall hold and manage all assets and liabilitie­s pertaining to market and system operation on behalf of market participan­ts and consumer groups.

NERC added that it shall also carry out all market and system operation-related contractua­l rights and obligation­s novated to it by the TCN as well as negotiate and enter into contract for the procuremen­t of ancillary services with independen­t power producers, successor generation licensees, among others.

It listed NISO's initial subscriber­s as the BPE and the Ministry of Finance Incorporat­ed (MOFI), with the final shareholdi­ng structure of NISO to be determined after further consultati­ons with government, market participan­ts and industry stakeholde­rs.

“TCN shall conclude the identifica­tion and mapping of the assets and liabilitie­s for the system/market operation portion of its business and forward same to the Commission and the BPE no later than June 30, 2024,” NERC added.

NERC emphasised that every person employed by TCN to perform market and system operations immediatel­y before the transfer date shall be transferre­d to the service of NISO on terms not less favourable than those enjoyed by him/her immediatel­y prior to his/her transfer.

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