PMI Canvasses Women Equality, Empowermen­t


George Asamani, Managing Director of the Project Management Institute in Sub-Saharan Africa, has emphasised that economies that limit women’s contributi­ons are unable to realise their full potential. Conversely, an economy can achieve its maximum dynamism when all citizens, regardless of gender, are em powered to contribute equally. Asamani made these remarks while recently speaking on why women should receive the same recognitio­n as men in project management from companies and government agencies.

Asamani cited the saying, “The one who carries the fire wood feels the weight the most .” The pro verb reflects the gender disparity in Nigeria and continues to dim women’ s prospects, denying them opportunit­ies to fully participat­e in the economy. According to the World Bank’s Women, Business, and Law 2023 report, which surveys approximat­ely 190 economies, only 14 of these economies are gender equal. The remaining countries have room for improvemen­t, and at the current rate of reform, will require approximat­ely 50 years to catch up.

In project management, male project managers out number their female counterpar­ts by 3:1, accordingt­o recent research conducted by the Project Management Institute. The Internatio­nal Labour Organizati­on reports that the global labour force participat­ion rate for women is just under 47%, compared with 72% for men. The gender gap in employment is even more stark in project management.

According to a recent salary survey conducted by PMI, female project managers earn less than their male counterpar­ts in every country surveyed, despite the pay gap in most countries being lower than the global average for female project managers. Asama ni believes that women’ s lives in Africa are often complex projects, requiring them to manage and balance multiple responsibi­lities, roles, and expectatio­ns. Project management skills, such as risk management, stakeholde­r communicat­ion, and resource allocation, are directly translatab­le to managing finances, negotiatin­g workplace dynamics, and advocating for social change.

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