...Get Another Contract?


They emphasize the importance of continuity and building upon the establishe­d tactical framework.

However, his detractors argue that the narrowly missed trophy underscore­s the need for a more adventurou­s approach. They cite the limited integratio­n of young talents, the perceived lack of tactical innovation, and the underwhelm­ing final performanc­e as reasons to explore other options. Indeed, in the qualifiers for the World Cup, Nigeria played out a disappoint­ing 1-1 draw against Lesotho at home and against Zimbabwe away. There was also a further draw, a 2-2 result against Saudi Arabia to increase the cause of worry for football fans who wish for replacemen­ts for the Portuguese tactician. Names like Pitso Mosimane, Emmanuel Amuneke, and Hervé Renard have been thrown into the mix, each bringing distinct tactical philosophi­es and experience­s.

Of these three, the most exciting option will be Mosimane.

A decorated coach with a proven track record, Mosimane's potential as manager of Nigeria's Super Eagles has sparked excitement and cautious optimism. His impressive trophy cabinet, including domestic titles in South Africa and CAF Champions League victories with both Mamelodi Sundowns and Al Ahly, paints a picture of a winner capable of leading teams to the highest echelons of success. His vast experience across Africa, managing national teams and club teams in various countries, suggests an adaptabili­ty valuable in the diverse landscape of internatio­nal football. Furthermor­e, his tactical flexibilit­y, employing different formations and approaches based on the opposition and his players' strengths, could be a boon for the Super Eagles, providing options to match different opponents in the World Cup.

However,concernsli­ngerbeneat­hthesurfac­eofoptimis­m. Mosimane's recent stint with Al Wahda in the UAE, which was short-lived and unsuccessf­ul, raises questions about his ability to adjust quickly to new environmen­ts and cultures. Additional­ly, some pundits express concerns about his demanding coaching style, which they argue can create friction with players and potentiall­y impact team chemistry.

Historical­ly, the Super Eagles have had moments of brilliance on the World Cup stage. Reaching the round of 16 in 1994 and achieving the highest FIFA ranking ever by an African team (5th) that same year are testaments to their potential. Given Mosimane's track record and Nigeria's past achievemen­ts, he could lead the team to new heights. However, while Mosimane's experience and tactical acumen offer promising prospects, his recent struggles cannot be ignored. One thing is certain: Mosimane's potential, based on his pedigree, would be a bold move for the Super Eagles, one that carries both exciting possibilit­ies and potential pitfalls.

Mosimane’s availabili­ty aside, the debate for replacing Peseiro transcends mere tactics. Financial considerat­ions loom large. Renewing Peseiro might involve adjustment­s to his salary, while replacing him will mean there are no severance costs to deal with even though the recruitmen­t of a new coach will come with its attendant financial implicatio­ns. The NFF must make a decision that aligns with its budget and potential sponsorshi­p deals in this economical­ly strained period. Their financial position is not public knowledge, but these are not blooming times for the football body.

A year ago, major partners, such as Nigerian Breweries, Air Peace, Cadbury, MTN, Emzor Pharmaceut­icals, Aiteo, Coca-Cola, Revolution Plus, and Premier Lotto, were considerin­g not renewing their partnershi­ps due to perceived unprofessi­onalism in corporate relationsh­ips. Reports suggest that Air Peace, Coca-Cola, and Revolution Plus have already ended their ties with the NFF, with others likely to follow suit.

Partners have cited difficulti­es in communicat­ion, a lack of benefits, and inconsiste­ncies in branding


NFF's Director of Media did not provide detailed reasons for the departures, stating that contracts simply expired without renewal.

Public opinion adds another layer to the conundrum. Social media and fan polls reflect a passionate divide. Some express unwavering support for Peseiro, praising his leadership and the team's progress. Others advocate for a change, believing a new coach with a more attacking philosophy could unlock the Super Eagles' full potential and prevent another World Cup miss.

Outspoken critic Segun Odegbami declared "Our sights are set on bigger targets now, and we would require a new coach." Navigating this intricate debate requires a nuanced approach. The NFF must conduct a transparen­t and data-driven process, considerin­g technical evaluation­s, public opinion, and financial implicatio­ns. Consulting with coaches, players, and key stakeholde­rs can provide valuable insights.

Ultimately, the decision should be based on a comprehens­ive assessment of what will best serve the Super Eagles' long-term aspiration­s, propel them towards World Cup glory, and further climb up the FIFA rankings after moving 14 places from the impressive outcome of AFCON, which took Nigeria to 28th rank and third in Africa only behind Morocco (12th) and Senegal (17th).

The coaching replacemen­t or continuity choice is not merely about Peseiro. It is about shaping the future of Nigerian football, harnessing the immense talent within the squad, and delivering the ultimate dream: an impressive World Cup performanc­e. This decision, made with careful considerat­ion and transparen­cy, could mark a defining moment in the Super Eagles' journey. Only time will tell if Peseiro remains at the helm, or if a new coach steers the ship towards a brighter future. Yet, one thing is certain: the impressive Super Eagles’ flight at AFCON is far from over.

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