Daily Trust

FG worries over attacks on humanitari­an workers

- By Joshua Odeyemi

The federal government has raised the alarm over continuous attacks on humanitari­an workers in the country.

Addressing a press conference in Abuja on Monday to mark World Humanitari­an Day 2024, with the theme ‘ActForHuma­nity,’ the Federal Commission­er of the National Commission for Refugees, Migrants and Internally Displaced Persons (NCFRMI), Tijani Ahmed, said this year’s campaign addresses the alarming rise in attacks on humanitari­an workers and civilians.

“In Nigeria, humanitari­an workers have frequently found themselves in the crossfire of non-state armed groups. Between 2020 and 2024, there have been 49 reported incidents affecting 79 humanitari­an workers.

“These include the tragic killing of an aid worker from Médecins du Monde, the wounding of a UN pilot, and the attack on the United Nations Aid Facility in

Borno State, which resulted in the deaths of at least 20 internally displaced persons and forced aid workers to flee for safety.

“In 2024 alone, no fewer than 26 humanitari­an workers in Nigeria have been kidnapped, ambushed, or assaulted while carrying out their duties,” he lamented.

Ahmed said these attacks are not just crimes against individual­s but blatant violations of internatio­nal humanitari­an law.

The Geneva Convention­s, to which all African nations are signatorie­s, stipulate that the intentiona­l targeting of humanitari­an workers is a war crime. Such acts violate the core principles of humanity, neutrality, impartiali­ty and independen­ce that guide humanitari­an action.

“These heinous acts not only endanger the lives of those who are dedicated to helping others but also violate the very principles of humanity that underpin our global commitment to peace and justice,” he said.

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