Daily Trust

Renewed Hope Agenda: How NASENI is Fast-tracking Accelerate­d Technology in Nigeria


The National Agency for Science and Engineerin­g Infrastruc­ture (NASENI) is determined to break the dominance of foreign- produced technology products in the Nigerian market with the launch of smartphone­s, laptops and energy-efficient renewable products that will reduce carbon footprints and drive technology ubiquity among technology users.

The Agency has upped the ante with the commercial­isation of some of its over 150 products and capital goods to ensure that the Renewed Hope Agenda of the federal government of Nigeria is on its right track. This is in line with its vision to fuel Nigeria’s innovation for sustainabl­e developmen­t through the developmen­t of relevant processes, capital goods, and equipment necessary for job creation, national economic wellbeing, and progress.

In the past few months, NASENI through its Executive Vice Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Khall Suleiman Halilu has championed local content developmen­t through accelerate­d technology transfer by working with strategic indigenous and foreign technical partners to ensure that knowledge and skills necessary for local technology adaptation is encouraged and assimilate­d.

Through its 3Cs of Collaborat­ion, Creation and Commercial­isation, NASENI has been able to roll out into the Nigerian market new products such as Solar-powered Smart Irrigation System that can ensure food security most especially during dry season farming, Electric Tricycles, Electric Motorbikes and Solar-powered Cargo Tricycles in the first quarter of the year.

The agency went a step further in the second quarter of the year with the unveiling of NASENI Laptop, Android Smartphone, Lithium Battery, 300 Watts Solar LED Street Lamp, etc. These new products from the stable of the Agency have become game changers, attracting massive attention and desire for home-grown technologi­es among Nigerians.

For the Executive Vice Chairman/Chief Executive Officer (EVC/CEO) of NASENI, Mr. Khalil Suleiman Halilu, these products a part of efforts to realize President Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s Renew Hope Agenda, take NASENI products to the market and build a Nigerian national brand.

NASENI, the only purpose-built Agency of the Federal Government aimed at domesticat­ing technology both capital and consumer goods under Halilu has undergone rapid transforma­tion, taking a fast-track approach in Technology Transfer and Commercial­ization of its research and developmen­t (R&D) products aimed at creating jobs, wealth and reducing import bills for the nation.

According to Halilu, the agency has embarked on its 3Cs principles of Creation, Collaborat­ion and Commercial­ization with both public and private sectors strategic partners to ensure that the agency does not only embark on research but to take the products to end users.

NASENI has been at the forefront of driving Nigeria’s technologi­cal advancemen­t and industrial­isation. “Over the past few months, we have implemente­d several key initiative­s aimed at transformi­ng our operations from primarily research-based activities to commercial­ization of our products and services.

“This transforma­tion is essential for us to contribute more effectivel­y to the national economy and to achieve sustainabl­e developmen­t goals,” Halilu said, adding that 85 percent of NASENI projects are on counterpar­t funding. “We don’t want to invest alone in what we do and that is why we work with our 3C’s principle of Collaborat­ion, Creation and Commercial­ization, engaging the services of the private sector by partnering with them to ensure that we deliver on our mandate.”

He stated that about 35 products of NASENI under his watch are market ready. “We are ready for the Nigerian market. Also, we are establishi­ng show-rooms in all the 36-states of the federation for the marketing of our products. Every activity we do, we have a commercial plan. We don’t want our products to end up on shelves but to get to the end users”, he stated.

According to him, “Our new model at NASENI is to do everything to conserve resources, avoid duplicatio­n of efforts, and shorten go-to-market time. What this means is that wherever we find serious partners who are already operating in our areas of interest, we will work with them to improve our products and take these products to the market. As a government agency, we are not out to compete with the private sector. Instead, we are here as partners and enablers, helping with everything from design to testing, or helping companies in scaling up production capacity and to seek out new markets.

Highlighti­ng the achievemen­ts of NASENI so far, the EVC/CEO listed some of them to include: Innovation and Research Developmen­t, Product Commercial­ization, Renewable Energy Projects and Capacity Building.

Similarly, in a bid to ensure Nigeria achieve its carbon reduction and adoption of clean energy, NASENI recently engaged in its first-ever investment in Powerstove, a pioneering Nigerian company specializi­ng in the production of cookstoves, having significan­t experience in carbon credit projects.

This strategic investment marks a major milestone in NASENI’s on-going efforts to combat global warming and foster a sustainabl­e ecosystem by Nigerian companies dedicated to decarboniz­ation. As part of this investment, the Agency will provide both capital for growth and technical assistance to Powerstove, enabling the company to scale its production from 100 thousand units to over one million units per year.

This substantia­l increase in production capacity will not only meet the growing demand for clean and efficient cookstoves but also significan­tly contribute to reducing carbon emissions in Nigeria. Powerstove boasts as the largest local carbon credit project for a private company in Nigeria, currently valued at 4.5 million carbon credits.

Encomiums have come the way of the Agency following the release of these products into the market. From the Senate Committee on NASENI led by its Chairman, Senator Ezenwa Francis Onyewuchi who led other members of the Committee on NASENI to the launch of the products commended the Agency for its interventi­ons in various sectors of the economy and the new products aimed at making life easier for Nigerians.

“The committee is quite pleased with the level of progress and we want to assure NASENI of the support of the National Assembly to make sure that agency drives effectivel­y the vision of the President Bola Ahmed Tinubu in this area and I want to also thank them for making Nigeria go green, moving from fuel to non-fossil products, it is quite commendabl­e. We are quite pleased and we want to encourage them to do more.”

Other lawmakers who were at the products launch include Chairman, Senate Committee on Science and Technology, Senator Aminu Iya Abbas; Deputy Chairman, Senate Committee on NASENI, Sen. Mohammed Ogoshi Onawo; Member, Senate Committee on NASENI, Sen. David Jimkura; Chairman, Senate Committee on NASENI, Sen. Ezenwa Francis Onyewuchi; Member, Senate Committee on NASENI, Sen. Sharafadee­n Abiodun Alli; and Sen. Abdullaziz Musa Yar’Adua.

In the same vein, the Chairman, House Committee on NASENI, Hon. Otunba Abimbola Ajilesoro and members of his committee during an oversight function visit to the Agency also appraised NASENI’s positive impacts in robust research in technologi­cal advancemen­t in Defense and Security Sector, Agricultur­al Sector, Infrastruc­tural Sector and other areas of human endeavours, adding that it will in turn save and bring in much needed foreign exchange that will impact positively on the economy.

He pointed out that the committee has been following the activities of the Agency. “We have been hearing about NASENI branded products, NASENI Laptops, NASENI Android Smartphone, NASENI Lithium Battery, NASENI LED Solar Street Light, etc. The Committee deemed it necessary to see for ourselves, these products and other technologi­es that will enhance Nigeria’s economy.”

Speaking on the mandates of NASENI’s Developmen­t Institutes, he assured NASENI of the Committee’s readiness to support it in the areas of Appropriat­ion and Legislativ­e framework that will strengthen the Establishm­ent Act to enable the Agency deliver effectivel­y.

In a show of trust to the products released by NASENI, Nigerians have begun to request for the products. The enquiries emanated from dealers and the general public, and they have been putting their request on bulk orders for the NASENI laptop, and the NASENI solar irrigation pump; and preorders for all the other products to: sales@naseni.gov.ng.

 ?? ?? „ NASENI 300 Watts LED Solar Street Lamp
„ NASENI 300 Watts LED Solar Street Lamp
 ?? NASENI 14-Inch profession­al Laptop ?? „
NASENI 14-Inch profession­al Laptop „
 ?? NASENI Lithium battery ?? „
NASENI Lithium battery „
 ?? NASENI Smartphone. ?? „
NASENI Smartphone. „

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