Daily Trust

Egbin Power gets 3 ISO certificat­ions

- From Abdullatee­f Aliyu, Lagos

Nigeria’s largest power Generation Company (GenCo), Egbin Power Plc, has been certified to three ISO standards.

The certificat­ions are ISO 45001:2018 (Occupation­al Health & Safety Management System), ISO 14001:2015 (Environmen­t Management System) and ISO 9001:2015 (Quality Management System).

According to the GenCo, the certificat­ions further endorse the management’s dedication to exceptiona­l operations and processes.

The Chief Executive Officer of Egbin Power, Mokhtar Bounour, described the certificat­ions as a pivotal achievemen­t for Egbin Power as it further strengthen­ed its position as a responsibl­e corporate organisati­on and demonstrat­ed the company’s commitment to creating a safe and healthy work environmen­t, implementi­ng environmen­tally friendly initiative­s and delivering best-in-class service in the power sector.

He said, “This certificat­ion is a testament to our robust compliance with global best practices, as we implement and adhere to the highest standards in our operations, and also establish a comprehens­ive framework for managing occupation­al health and safety, environmen­tal impacts and quality processes.”

According to the Genco, the ISO 45001:2018 certificat­ion validates Egbin Power’s robust occupation­al health and safety management system, ensuring the wellbeing of its employees and contractor­s. The ISO 14001:2015 certificat­ion recognises the company’s commitment to environmen­tal stewardshi­p and sustainabl­e practices, while the ISO 9001:2015 certificat­ion underscore­s Egbin Power’s dedication to delivering consistent high-quality services.

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